Always Be Prepared

While I was only a Brownie Scout for one year of my life, I forever held to the tenet learned at our very first meeting…Always Be Prepared. I probably took that to the nth degree over time as I tried to imagine every possible outcome to every possible situation. I had an aunt that trained me to do that and it has been a lifelong struggle to let go of the illusion of control. We aren’t clairvoyant, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be a “good scout” and do our best to be prepared for those situations we have some control over…like stocking up with the supplies we need.

Last month, I was lucky enough to come across a small pharmacy in the medical office building where my doctor’s office is located. I buy a particular brand of CBD lotion there that Mr. FixIt uses on his back and hands and he swears it helps with his arthritis. As I was checking out, I noticed some at-home Covid testing kits and picked up a couple. We haven’t used them yet, but having them available gives us some comfort. It’s not always convenient or easy to get to a testing site when you live in the country, and with the omicron variant being so incredibly contagious, it’s best to be prepared.

The US Government is now providing four at-home testing kits per household. The website went live yesterday and we ordered our allotment online. Very quick and easy. You can order your free tests at and they should arrived in no more than twelve days. Testing before anticipated gatherings, wearing masks (N95’s or double surgical), good hand washing techniques and hand sanitizer, social distancing, attempting to gather out of doors or with windows open, and getting vaccinated are our best tools to stay healthy and try to knock down this virus. 

The last I heard, my girls are doing much better and my brother hardly had any symptoms. I am so grateful for the vaccines. My daughter has asthma and my brother is extremely high risk. Without the vaccines, I could quite possibly be telling you an entirely different story. The fact that there are breakthrough infections is not an indicator that the vaccines don’t work. Quite the opposite. No one said the vaccine would provide complete immunity. The vaccines provide enough immunity to hopefully keep us from getting a deadly case if we do get a breakthrough infection.

I just started a Bible study on the 23rd Psalm. “The Lord is my Shepherd. I have everything I need.” I am given everything I need. I prayed for vaccines as soon as the pandemic began. My scientific training and my Faith are not at odds. God does not call the equipped…He equips the called. Medical Scientists have been gifted with the know-how to produce cures for diseases. I choose to be vaccinated and use healthy precautions to protect myself and others. I encourage others to do the same. There have been enough vaccines give at this point to demonstrate their safety and efficacy. 

I pray for this world…especially in these times. I pray for those healthcare providers who are totally overwhelmed with Covid patients. We’re all tired of this. I get it. I am ever hopeful that things are beginning to take a turn in this pandemic and we can all have brighter days ahead. My heart breaks for those who have lost loved ones to this disease. I read an article yesterday that said families have started hiding the fact their loved one died of Covid. When you ask a family member if their loved one was vaccinated, you aren’t showing empathy toward the ones left with the pain of loss. 

I know it’s hard to be empathetic when someone dies and it likely could have been prevented. This is a harsh enough world as it is. Let’s not lose our humanity and caring toward one another by passing judgement on loved ones of the bereaved. Do I think everyone should be vaccinated? Yes…that’s my medical background speaking. But loss is loss and love is the comforting balm we can offer all those families who have lost loved ones in the last couple of years.


““I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?”

Jeremiah 32:27 NLT

4 thoughts on “Always Be Prepared

  1. I agree with what you have written. But we all are allowed “free will” which means some see this whole issue differently! You have said it well: be kind and show love and compassion!

  2. Ginny, Our government flips and flops about what to do and the numbers continue to spike, like a roller coaster. I know none of us have a crystal ball and no one obviously can come to some kind of definitive guideline. And to me, its one thing that the virus just won’t go away, but the leadership that will not pull together and make a decision. We are weary and that has caused many to just give up and seem to not care anymore. Unfortunately…what it seems to take now with some, is it has to happen to you…you personally have to be sick or lose someone you love before you believe in precautions. Its not hard to get a vaccine, wear a mask and give someone a little space in the grocery line. It does help, and if you can help…why not? I just don’t understand.

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