And the Thunder Rolls

Lightning over West Virginia
“Lightning over West Virginia”

““My heart pounds as I think of this. It trembles within me. Listen carefully to the thunder of God’s voice as it rolls from his mouth. It rolls across the heavens, and his lightning flashes in every direction. Then comes the roaring of the thunder— the tremendous voice of his majesty. He does not restrain it when he speaks. God’s voice is glorious in the thunder. We can’t even imagine the greatness of his power.”  Job 37:1-5 NLT

The heat and humidity in West Virginia raises the heat index and brings us these amazing thunderstorms. It’s one of the things I always missed in Colorado. Oh, you get storms there…sure. But they don’t sound the same as storms in the rolling hills. There is an echo you just don’t get out west. And I love it!

The last couple of days we have been moving some boxes of my “stuff” from my friend Steve’s basement. We got the last load moved yesterday. Good thing, because it rained last night and we would have had to carry these heavy boxes up a hill instead of driving the truck down to the back of Steve’s house. That’s one thing about lawns here. If they’re wet, you sink down in them.

Lightning over West Virginia
“Lightning over West Virginia.”

On the way back from picking up the last load, Mr. FixIt saw a house on fire a little over a mile from the Ponderosa. As often happens in outlying rural areas, the house burned to the ground and was a total loss. Fortunately, no one was at home when it burned so there were no injuries.

We took he last load out to the farm and no sooner carried the last box in when the electric went out. No wind. No storm. Just off. This, unfortunately, is NOT uncommon. We waited a while and when it hadn’t come back on after thirty minutes or so, we headed home. We stopped and visited neighbors along the way. That’s something I miss from my childhood. Someone was always stopping by to talk. Now, there are whole neighborhoods who don’t know anyone’s name. That’s sad.

As we were nearing home, I caught a glimpse of lightning in the far off distance. As we got closer, it was obvious a great lightning storm was coming. We stopped on top of the hill so I could video tape the light show. In all my years of photographing nature, I have never caught lightning in a still shot, so I just captured stills from the video and called it good.

My summer cold is easing up a bit, I think. This thick, humid air doesn’t really help that. The rain is supposed to usher in some cooler weather for the next couple of days, and I’m all for that. ❤️

Lightning over West Virginia
“Lightning over West Virginia.”


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