In my self-imposed “retreat” out in TOW-Wanda, I’ve been reading a lot of devotionals. About fear and anxiety. About family and strength. About marriage. Whenever I feel I’m heading off center, I like to step back and do a little inventory and a lot of soul searching to find those areas where God wants to improve me. I’ve learned, if you ask to be shown…you WILL be shown. And, it isn’t sugar-coated, believe me.
One of the devotionals I read in the last week (I’m sorry, I can’t remember which one it was…I forgot to make a note) talked a lot about speaking to the Holy Spirit and asking for His help. I have to tell you, the Holy Spirit has been a total mystery to me. I mean, I have some understanding that it is the Spirit of God that is gifted to you when you become a Christian. It is the Holy Spirit which gives you that “gut feeling” called intuition when you are in a pickle. This way or that way? It had never occurred to me I could actually pray to and speak to the Holy Spirit.
I read about this Wednesday morning just before I went to town to get my blood drawn. I used to have veins like the Alaska Pipeline, but as I get older, they have gotten thready and small. They roll and blow up. And, unless you are extremely good at drawing blood, I am fast becoming a human pincushion. Since I actually spent several years of my life drawing blood, I’m the worst about it. I’m bossy. I tell them exactly where and how they can find a vein. I can tell when the phlebotomist cops an attitude like, “Yeah, yeah…I’ll prove to you I can get it where I want.” Nope. Here, or here. You aren’t an explorer and I’m not the buried treasure you think you’re going to find.
And…it always hurts like a bugger when they stick you in the wrist or the back of the hand.
I know you are not supposed to test the Lord. But, I’d just read that I could actually pray to the Holy Spirit…the guy who gives you strength when things are really rough. So, just before the gal stuck me with that teeny tiny needle, I said a quick prayer.
“Spirit of God…please make this as pain free as possible…and humble me before this technologist.”
Pain free.
I mean…nothing. Not even a little pinch.
I breathed a thank you. I felt a peaceful calmness. And I proclaimed it National Linda Day!
Life is really a lot of experimentation where we try to do things our way. Life is a lot better when you surrender that ego and move over. Even in such a little thing as drawing blood, God sends His Spirit to minister to you.
You just need to remember to ask.
I’m looking forward to developing an even deeper relationship with God through this new avenue of prayer.
“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is mine; therefore I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.”
John 16:13-15 ESV