

Box turtle, field mouse
“A box turtle and a fieldmouse. Their lives are as important as my own.”

A couple of weeks ago, I hit a turtle when I was mowing. I knew I hit something, but I wasn’t sure what it was till I came around the next time. I thought it was part of a tree branch that I missed picking up. But alas…it was a box turtle. I hated that. I told my long time bestie from high school. She is a devout animal lover and she said I needed to make some sort of atonement for the turtle.

I wasn’t at all sure what I could do to make amends for taking the life of the turtle…albeit innocently. Yesterday, I had my chance. First, I had to trim branches along the front edge of the far field. Then I had to move and toss several bales of hay that wintered over but got moldy when the tarp blew off.

As I was walking back to the tractor after throwing away the tarp, I looked down and there was a field mouse, frozen in his spot. I think he thought if he didn’t move, I wouldn’t see him. I took out my phone and he stood very still and let me take his picture. Good mouse!

When I had finished mowing the first four or five rows, I saw a turtle scurrying as fast as a turtle can go…from the tall grass to the creek. His neck was stretched as far as he could get it and his head was held high. His shell had a chip in one side. I stopped the tractor and watching him till he scooted into the underbrush. I smiled when I thought of my friend and whispered…”This one’s for you, girlfriend!” She’ll be so proud!

I mowed all of the Ponderosa yesterday, save for the bit around the pool. It wore me out. We were going to sleep in the camper again, but it was cold when I went out there to write and I had already taken off the electric blanket. So, we’re back inside like “normal” people. *sigh*


“And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal…”    Genesis 9:5 NIV


6 thoughts on “Atonement

  1. It’s sad when there is an accidental death with an animal like that, I’m glad you got to see the turtle make his run for safety;) It seems like in the country you are closer to life and death things happening, there are more animals, more things happening directly with them…

  2. Mine was a nest of baby rabbits. I cried. I know they eat things they shouldn’t but it broke my heart. Mommy rabbit had built this little soft nest in the high grass around a set of trees. Now each year I check to make sure no one is there…I don’t want it to ever happen again.

  3. what would happen if you left large borders at the edges of your property–a sort of human no-go zone–and only mowed broad pathways for getting around your property? This is a typical way meadows are created and cared for in England. It could become very valuable meadow habitat for those critters having to flee the mower twice a week. Just wondering.

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