Day 109: Lost in the Moonlight

Oh, this is my absolute favorite time of the year…when you can go outside and sit at night. It’s warm, it’s clear, there aren’t too many bugs. And, when there’s a great big moon? That is just a bonus to me.

We went to the farm yesterday and mowed. We were prepared to stay all night, but the window AC stopped working out there and it was hotter than a firecracker…pun intended. I made a nice meal and packed up the truck. And as soon as the mowing and trimming was done, we loaded up the tractor and headed home. 

There was the obligatory stop for ice cream, though. I mean, it’s summer. The nights are warm. We were hot and sticky from mowing. We DESERVED ice cream, right?

Even though we live on a busy two-lane county road, it is relatively quiet out here. Unlike when I lived in Denver, you don’t have a constant background hum of traffic when you sit out. I love the space we have created out by the pool. When the moonlight dances off the roof of the big building out back and reflects on the water, I get a little chill up my spine.

I always dreamed of this place. To have land to stretch out on. To grow vegetables by my own hands. When I downsized and left Colorado, I truly thought the rest of my born days would be spent living in my camper…my tiny home on wheels. My grief-addled brain didn’t let me see what would happen when time passed and the camper would inevitably wear out. It didn’t allow me to fully comprehend what it meant to sell everything and leave…never to return.

I don’t regret the choices I have made. When I thought I lost everything, I didn’t realize God had even bigger plans for me. I didn’t realize what was coming in the form of one of my oldest and dearest friends. And now, here we are with the wonderful life together. Mr. FixIt and I have this amazing view…whenever we want to take the time to look at it. Sometimes I have to shake my head in disbelief that it’s really MY life.

I remember all those summers when I flew home to West Virginia to see my family. I remember this one particular summer night. I was driving through the country, the windows rolled down, the wind in my hair…my elbow resting on the car door as I drove. I reached my hand out into the hot August night and felt the velvety humidity rushing through my fingers. The moon was full, much like last night, and the trees and bushes squatted like bullfrogs ready to jump over each other as I drove by.

Yes, after Spring, this is my very favorite time of the year. The richness of life is palpable. The problems of the world fade into the background. Virus? What virus? There’s a lunar eclipse to gaze upon. Hatred and intolerance? What hatred and intolerance? There are night sounds to listen to. 

Tomorrow is another day…let us not waste this one for it is truly a gift.


“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:2 ESV

2 thoughts on “Day 109: Lost in the Moonlight

  1. Agreed what dishes, a time to be …..and natures fireworks lighting bugs, crickets, tree frogs all sing their song gentle breeze that rock you to sleep as pine trees whisper, and brooks babble…my favorite. Just popped in my head how we would pop a watermelon in the cool creek and pluck it out later..

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