Day 111: Priorities

It was nearly 90℉ by 10:30 yesterday morning. I knew I needed to get the mowing finished soon or it would have to wait till evening again. The risk of waiting is the sudden thunderstorms that often crop up when it gets this hot outside. The humidity works like an old fashioned coffee percolator. The heat causes the moisture to rise and percolate up through the cooler air above, causing those tall storm clouds and resultant downpours. Once that starts, mowing is done for the day. The longer you stretch out mowing, the less of a break you get before it’s time to get out on the mower again.

I was finished by around 1:00 and came inside to rehydrate and sit in the air conditioning. Our AC runs constantly at this time of year. It was set at 73 and couldn’t get the house below 80. I went out for a swim. Believe me, the water is not refreshing when it’s 91℉ and the air temp is 96. But it was wet and I cleaned the pool and getting out was refreshing when the breeze caught me. As I sat down to write this, I sent Mr. FixIt a text at the other end of the house and asked him when was the last time he changed the air filter on the whole house air conditioner. He went downstairs and changed it, stating it was pretty dirty. Soon after, the house cooled down a great deal and we were both a lot more comfortable.

As I was writing this, notifications kept pinging on my phone. One came across and stopped me in my tracks. It seems an NFL quarterback just signed a ten year extension with his team for $500,000,000. That’s a lot of zeroes to throw a ball around. I got to thinking about what could be done with that kind of money. That would build about 19 really good schools. Or, buy 500,000 iPads for classrooms. Or build 3,333 Habitat for Humanity houses. Or provide 192,307,692 school lunches. Instead, it will go to one man who will throw a ball to other men who are paid to catch it and run. And children in this country go to bed hungry at night. Where is our outrage on that? I shake my head at the priorities of today. Call it Covid Consciousness…but I think there are a lot better places for money to be thrown than professional sports. Is that un-American of me? Mr. Virgo would have thought so. He was quite the football freak. Go, Eagles!

Our governor came out with a mandate yesterday. Masks will be worn in all public buildings in West Virginia. Our pastor came online and said rather than to bow to that, they will go back to online only church. Fine…whatever works and keeps people healthy. It wasn’t five minutes and Facebook lit up with all the protests of rights being infringed upon. I honestly just don’t get it. It really is such a simple thing to do. 

To quote Gov. Justice: “Just wear the dang mask, people. C’mon!”


“Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.”

Hebrews 13:17 ESV

4 thoughts on “Day 111: Priorities

  1. Hi Ginny – I live in Lawrence Kansas right next to Kansas City. The KC Chiefs is the NFL team quarterback you refer to. Your thoughts on this are spot on! The financial excess is just so hard to wrap my head around. This seems to be the case in so many situations. I’m going to stop at that because I could literally go on for hours.

  2. Would be nice if the certain young, very young quarter back would donate a big chunk to schools, kids, homeless, the many different things that could be helped. My opinion, he’s from Texas and I’m from Texas, he could do so much.
    My opinion…delete if you would like.

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