Day 183: Itty Bitty Critters

I was hopeful when we spent the entire day in town on Monday, it meant I wouldn’t have to go back for a week. But that was not to be. I woke up yesterday and went over my to do list and remembered I needed to have blood drawn. Dang. I needed to pick up flea medicine for the kitty and buy a new set of sheets for the camper. And I’ve been wanting a food processor. I have one of those tiny food choppers, but they don’t do what I need done. Mr. FixIt had an appointment in town as well, but we decided to drive separately since we each had things that we needed to do.

When I got home, I stretched out to read my instruction manual for the food processor. I bought a simple 9-cup Kitchenaid that grates, slices, and processes with a blade. I really didn’t need the Mercedes model. After my little siesta, I went out to finish mowing. As I was pulling the tractor back into the building, something caught my eye. A baby Eastern Rat Snake was sunning itself at the doorway and I startled it. The little baby went slithering behind the extra refrigerator. 

I know we have snakes out there. Remember the story I told you last year about rummaging around in the back corner, putting away camping equipment, and that massive Black Rat Snake fell out of the rafters and landed on the box in front of me? Yeah…there are snakes. I keep my eyes peeled when I’m in the building.

I like walking out to the camper on a warm summer night and seeing the little frogs and toads. They hang out under the outdoor lamp and catch bugs. By the end of summer, we have fat little critters all around here.

Mr. FixIt and I were giving the kitty a little snuggle before I put her flea guard on and noticed there are tons of red tomatoes on in the garden. Today will be a kitchen day, for sure. Maybe I’ll get to try out my new food processor.

And, ohhhhh….there’s nothing like new crisp linens on a camper bed!


“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.”

Proverbs 6:6-8 NIV

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