Day 221: Testing, Testing, 1-2-3

We live in a tiny, sparsely populated county in rural West Virginia where an awful lot of people scoff at the idea of wearing masks. And we’ve been extremely lucky. There have been only twenty-nine cases of Covid-19 in our county. But, up till a week ago, there was half that. With the fact that we traveled…very carefully, but still…and the fact that our numbers here at home doubled in a week, free testing was offered at the small clinic in town yesterday afternoon. We drove over and didn’t even have to get out of the car. The test itself is only slightly uncomfortable and we should have results in 24-48 hours.

We went to town yesterday morning to pick Pumpkin up from the Kitty Hilton. They loved her there and gave her lots of loves. Poor thing made a mess in her crate on the drive home but was no worse for the wear. She was happy as a little clam to get back to her old haunts and explore. I read online that you could spray a solution of water with a little blue Dawn dish soap in it around your windows and doors to keep the Asian ladybugs and stink bugs out. I have no idea if it works, but I gave it a try. I’ll let you know. I also brought in the hummingbird feeder, cleaned it, and put it away for next year.

We’ve been busy trying to put everything away from our trip so we haven’t messed with putting the garden to bed for the winter yet. We had two hard freezes so the growing season is over in our neck of the woods. It’s sad to see all the beautiful pumpkin and passion flower vines hanging limp on the chain link fence. Our one little pumpkin is resting on the ground out by the pepper plants so I need to get that cleaned out.

I finally took the time yesterday to take a picture of the dining room table filled with the fruits of my labor. It’s pretty darned impressive, if I do say so myself. I still need to clear out a space on the shelves downstairs to store the filled jars. That’s when they are so pretty. Our little great granddaughter came over for a socially distanced visit last evening. She can count to ten now so we played hide and seek. When she hid, she scooted into some weeds and her baby fine hair got filled with burrs. It took us over an hour to strip them out…bless her heart. She was such a trooper and sat very still.

Slowly getting back into the swing of things at home. It isn’t easy for me to let go after a very busy summer and then traveling. There’s still mowing to do, both here and at the farm. I need to organize all my canning accoutrements and put them away for the season. Then I can take a little break and do something else for a while. It was truly fall here yesterday…cool, rainy, and showers of golden leaves falling all around. The Lord is putting the earth to rest for the winter…I need to prepare to follow suit.


“As long as the earth remains, there will be planting and harvest, cold and heat; winter and summer, day and night.”

Genesis 8:22 CEV

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