Day 235: Election Day 2020

It’s finally here. I don’t know about you, but I am so oversaturated with all the political ads, misinformation, disinformation, anger, divisiveness, and flat out hatred we have all witnessed over the last year. I have no idea what’s coming in the next few days, but if watching the businesses boarding up their windows is any indication, it looks really scary. There is actually a real condition called Election Stress Disorder. Therapy visits are up, along with anxiety levels and the number on the scale.

We all do what we need to do to get through stressful situations. We may have unhealthy coping strategies like hibernating or overeating, drinking or doing drugs, shopping or whatever else we might come up with to get by. As we sit here today, it’s like watching the fuse on a stick of dynamite burning down and waiting for the explosion. 

There are some coping strategies to help get through the coming few days and keep our anxiety levels down. Remembering to simply take a deep breath can help to center you. Getting some exercise is beneficial, even if it’s just as simple as taking a walk. Avoid “doom-scrolling” through the news and social media…looking at all the worst-case-scenario stories. Our minds can conjure up some pretty scary scenes. Keeping our minds occupied with something other than sitting in front of the TV all day and night can go a long way toward keeping fear in check.

I have my knitting beside my new red recliner. I have four really great magazines to read. I made an apple pie yesterday and I’m sure we’ll nibble on it for a couple days. The biggest diversion of the day is a trip to the dentist for my sweetheart. I thought it was ridiculous to do that on Election Day, then I saw my husband’s brilliant logic…keep his wife occupied and away from the television.

I saw a lot of posts yesterday encouraging people to refrain from gloating if your side wins or try to keep from sinking into despair if you lose. Things like that make me hopeful that we can heal from the ugliness we have experienced during this election. I go further than that to what the Bible tells us to do…love one another. It seems so simple, yet…it’s going to take some real effort, I think. We can do this…we can heal…we must heal. We must.


“But I am giving you a new command. You must love each other, just as I have loved you.”

John 13:34 CEV

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