Day 330: God is Listening…All the Time

Yesterday was a busy day, and one that reminds me of the power of prayer. First, I had to run into town to get my eyes tested. I have the very beginnings of cataracts…who doesn’t at this age, right? And, my prescription didn’t change but just the tiniest bit. Not enough to warrant buying new glasses, but I did order a pair of prescription bifocal sunglasses. I haven’t had a pair for ages. The last ones I had got ruined when I sprayed insect repellent or sunscreen or something on and it got on the lenses. It took the coating off and there was no way to fix them. And they were really expensive. Mr. FixIt buys his glasses from Zenni Optical online. You have to explain to your optometrist that you’re on a fixed budget and you need to have them give you your prescription and measure the pupil distance. Then you can order online and it’s a lot cheaper.

I got home in time for a Zoom interview for my friend, Joe Webb’s podcast. Joe is a Methodist Minister and leads a very interesting ministry. I used to attend on Sunday nights at the brew pub up in Marietta, Ohio. Then they went totally online after the pandemic hit. The folks love the online format so much, they’ve elected to keep it on Zoom which opens a lot of avenues. The group has gotten larger and has spread over a much larger geographical area. I spoke to his group a couple of times over the years, but it’s been quite a while since we’ve had a chance to catch up. It will go live on 3/5 and I will leave a link for you when it’s up.

I no sooner closed my iPad from the Zoom interview when my friend Janine called with an update on her niece. She is the one I asked for urgent prayers for Sunday night. She did have an aneurysm with a brain bleed. They did surgery to relieve the pressure, but it was too involved to fix. They needed to do a C-Section to get the baby delivered healthy first. The baby is fine and will go home with grandma and grandpa tomorrow. At 3:00 yesterday morning, Lauren had to be rushed back into the OR to relieve the pressure again, but this time, they didn’t feel she was strong enough to go through the prolonged surgery so it was put off again. 

After people all over the world came together urgently and prayed for Lauren and she was back in ICU, her husband went in to see her yesterday morning and…she opened her eyes, talked to him, and has NO PARALYSIS! That right there is an absolute miracle, my friends. I could hardly wait to share the news with you. She still needs to have the surgery to correct the aneurysm itself, but she has come so far! Please continue to keep Lauren, and Josh, and baby, and the family in your prayers.


““Unless you people see signs and wonders,” Jesus told him, “you will never believe.””

John 4:48 NIV

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