Finally! I got the English muffins to rise enough to bake. They were tangy and crunchy when toasted and tasted great with butter and jam. However, they were still pretty dense and a bit chewy on the inside. Really, the only room in our house that stays toasty warm is the family room but even with the bowl of dough sitting right next to the gas stove, it was still too cool to get a proper rise. I even tried to set the bowl on a heating pad but it kept timing out and turning itself off after 10 minutes. Sourdough is a tricky animal. Its performance is highly dependent on perfect conditions. I think I’ll try a different recipe next time.
I haven’t ventured out in the snow yet. Mr. FixIt has to run to town today, but I’m staying home. I will have to give in and go sometime soon. When I was flossing last night, one of the caps on my front teeth came off. I’ll need to get in and have that cemented back on. If it isn’t one thing, it’s another, right?
We watched the special ceremony at the capitol last evening when they brought President Carter’s coffin into the rotunda to lie in state. As they were firing the cannons in the 21-gun salute, I teared up. For one thing, it reminded me of the gun salute at Mr. Virgo’s funeral. I still can’t hear Taps without tears stinging my eyes. As the camera shot from the top of the Capital Dome down into the Rotunda, I was struck by the goodness of that man. He may not have been the best president we ever had, but he sure ranks up there with the most honorable.
We finished off the last of the beef stew yesterday. I have a piece of fish in the freezer. I think I’ll take that out and we’ll have fish and rice and a nice salad for supper. What are you all cooking these days?
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV