Every Day is Saturday

When you’re retired, the days just kind of run together, don’t they? I often have to think hard or resort to looking at my phone to see the day and date. I mean, there’s nothing but doctor’s appointments and dates with family and friends that makes me keep track of time. I never gave time a second thought in my working years, other than getting to work on time. There was structure in every day. Even more so when the kids were still at home.

When I worked in medicine, one of the things they keep track of is orientation to time and place. When you stop remembering the day and date, they look at you with a different set of eyes. I know there are signs and symptoms of dementia, but I also know how easy it is to lose track of time. I don’t know that I want to set an alarm or anything, but I do want to start keeping a bit of a schedule…just to keep me on my toes.

Mr. FixIt and I have gotten into the habit of going to bed at midnight then lounging around in bed reading the news and catching up with social media and emails till we’re ready to get up and about. It’s different in the summer. There’s all that mowing and outdoor work to be done and there’s no time to laze around. That being said, winter is the time for slowing down and getting quiet. Who am I to deny myself such luxuries, right? It’s not like we don’t work our hind ends off all mowing season.

The cold has moved in for the long stretch of sub-freezing temperatures that January always brings. Along with it, we’ll probably have the biggest snowfall we’ve had in years and we’re ready for it. Mr. FixIt got the snowblower out yesterday and blew off the inch of snow we got overnight. Then he brought the generator out and it started right up. While he did that, I filled all the bird feeders and suet cages. Our birds will be very happy in the coming days. I have the starter fed for the English muffins. I have enough yarn to last me ten years and a zillion projects I can work on. There’s enough food in this house to last us for months, if need be. So, I’m going to get up a little earlier, make my RYZE mushroom coffee, and enjoy a little quiet time in the house before Mr. FixIt gets up and turns on the TV. Along with that routine, I’ll make it a habit to check the calendar to orient myself to time and place.

Are you all working on any projects this winter? This is my basket, so far. Share your projects with us. We’d love to see them and get inspired!

“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” Psalm‬ ‭90‬:‭12‬ ‭ESV‬‬


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