Family Comes in Many Forms

I always wanted a big family. It seemed big in many ways because my daughters always had friends over and they called me mom. I fed them and took them places, then I sent them home. Kinda like grandchildren, really. Daughter #1 married and has two daughters of her own. Daughter #2 married and they have four cats. One is not better than the other…just different. And they are all loved the same.

When I married Mr. Virgo, he had two daughters, but they were estranged. Over the seven and a half years we were together, he and the older daughter were making some attempt at connecting, but I never met either one of them until the Rosary the night before their father’s funeral. There was a meager attempt to form some sort of latent bond with me. The younger daughter is still connected to me on Facebook, although we never interact. Either she’s forgotten I’m there, or (as I like to believe) she lets me see Mr. Virgo’s grandchildren. His older daughter blocked me after about six months. And, sadly, she passed away suddenly nine days shy of four years after her father. Probably of the same heart condition. So, my family didn’t grow as I had hoped.

Then, along came Mr. FixIt and…WOW…he has gifted me with a huge family. I am so incredibly blessed to be welcomed into the fold and treated with such love and respect. I know it isn’t always easy to bring another person into a family…especially later in life. I love them as I love my own and I’m looking forward to this summer when Daughter #1 and family come for a visit. They’ll all get to meet for the first time and my heart will just burst with joy!

I got a text yesterday from one of the granddaughters. The youngest one went to prom yesterday and they wanted to know if I wanted to come and take pictures. Mr. FixIt and our son-in-law were busy putting a storm door in, so after I fed them lunch, I took off to see the princess in her gown.

When she walked down the street before me, holding her dress up to keep from stepping on the mounds of tulle, the sunlight winked and sparkled as she moved. Her smile when she saw me melted my heart. She looked so grown up….so different than the softball playing, fun-loving Jeep-girl that we know and love. She was elegant and poised, so sophisticated. Then, with a grin, she picked up her dress to show me she was wearing Birkinstock’s under her ball gown. That’s our girl! She’s not my baby by blood, but she’s my baby by love.

Soon, she and her date joined another couple and walked into the nearby restaurant and we all headed back to our cars. I thanked them all profusely for thinking of me and inviting me to come along. We said our goodbyes and when they turned to leave, I called after them… 

“I love you guys!”

“We love you, too! Thanks for coming!”


“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.”

Psalm 127:3 ESV

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