With the onslaught of spring comes the inevitable chores. Yard work, cleaning out ditches. Picking up downed branches. Mr. FixIt is one of those guys who can’t be still…he has to be doing something. So, I asked him if he thought he could do something about that unsightly rotting tree trunk down at the end of the driveway. He did me one better. He got the lawnmower out of the barn and mulched up the leaves and got the first mowing of the season done. Then he went after the tree trunk. I am so grateful to have this man in my life. Not just for his Mr. FixIt capabilities…but for, everything!
I remember when this tree was in its prime. My uncle says it died with the emerald ash borer infestation. Lots of trees around here did. Over the last decade or so, the trunk has very slowly rotted but not fast enough for me. I don’t have a chain saw. I didn’t feel like getting the hand saw after it. I have kicked chunks off of it, but that wood is still pretty hard down in there. Mr. FixIt decided we’d just burn it out. It was a sunny day, no wind to speak of. I must say…it was pretty impressive once it got going! It will take it a while to smolder down and be gone. Then later on I can plant a flowering shrub there like Hydrangea or Rose of Sharon. We have plenty of Quince and Forsythia so I don’t want to plant that. And I really don’t want to plant another tree. We bring campers in and out of this driveway so I don’t want branches blocking the way.
Today is errand day and meeting my cousin’s wife for a big hug and a much needed visit. Every day brings us closer to warm summer evenings sitting on the porch drinking sweet tea. And every day brings us closer to saying goodbye to him whom we adore. This will be a bittersweet year. ❤️
“The earth is the Lord ‘s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein,”
Psalms 24:1 ESV
Ginny, I’m sorry to read that someone you love will soon pass. Love & Hugs. Xx
Thanks, Frannie… Not imminently, but too soon. ?
If I happen to miss your article in the paper, I feel lost at the end of the day…like a friend has deserted me. Truly, I do feel that way. I look forward to hearing your sage advice to others; (and take note of what applies to me) but, I, also just want to jump in there and help you with my sage advice to others and, on occasion (with you being human) I just want to help you. I don’t know everything; but, I’ll be 75 in May so I do know some things!? Keep doing what you’re doing, Jenny ~ the world needs you.
Thank you, Judie…
We can all use sage advice so jump in anytime. We take what fits and leave the rest. Than you so much for your kind words. It means the world to me…truly! ❤️