Feeling Violated

I went to knitting group yesterday morning. Even though it was only 17° when I walked out the front door, I was determined to hang with my home girls and catch up. We haven’t gathered since the first week of December so were all really excited to see what was going on with the group. I got about three inches of the market basket done. It’s coming out great and it will be perfect to sit by the Big Red Chair to hold my knitting.

I haven’t been over the hill to our little burg in a minute so I enjoyed visiting Carolyn at the Quilt Shop and the nice gal at the Assessor’s Office. When I got home, I fixed us a very late breakfast. I made egg sandwiches on those sourdough English Muffins I made last week. We still have a few left and they won’t last much longer. I fed my starter yesterday morning and by this evening I prepared my pre-ferment, or levain as it is called. I’m going to bake a couple of loaves of RuthAnn Zimmerman’s Soft Sourdough Sandwich Bread today.

After our brunch, we headed over to The Farm to check on things. We haven’t been out there for a little bit because of the holidays and all this snow. I was relieved when I pulled into the driveway and there were no tire tracks or footprints indicating someone had been there. So, imagine my dismay when I walked in the back to and immediately knew someone had been in there! Every cabinet and drawer were open…all over the house. They even went in the attic crawl space…either looking for drugs or something of any value. Of course, they were met with a whole lot of nothing. The house has been pretty well emptied out except for some pieces of furniture a la Goodwill.

I couldn’t figure out how they got in. The doors were locked. When I searched around, I found the small window open in the kitchen off the back porch. I was so sad. I felt so violated. It made me mad! Every year I declare that place as holy ground, but I was a month or so late this time. We contacted the State Patrol and I’ll talk to a deputy tomorrow. I secured each window, but like my PopPop used to say, “A lock is for keeping the honest people out. It won’t keep the bad guys out.”

I told Mr. FixIt, this will not deter me from having my sabbaticals out there, but I’ll have protection with me when I go! I’m calling in all the Angels to guard and protect my grandma’s house.


“Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭28‬ ‭ESV‬‬

***Gratitude Journal***   
Today I am grateful the thieves did not damage anything at The Farm and God kept it safe from harm.

#breakingandentering, #robbery, #TheFarm, #Violated

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