
These little white flowers are the first things to come up in the pollinator garden.

The taxes are done for another year!!! I’ve fussed around with them for…what? Three weeks, at least. Everything was going along fine till I got to the Senior Citizen Tax Credit. We’ve never had it before and I have been trying to figure out what they based our gross income on. After poring over it for a week and a half, I noticed a button at the top of the screen that said “Live Tax Assistant.” For the low price of $50 I could talk live with an agent and they would walk me through the process, step by step.

I clicked on the button, plunked down my $50, and clicked to have an agent call me. It wasn’t three minutes till they called and Denise introduced herself explaining she had 23 years experience doing taxes. I automatically felt a sense of relief. I explained my issue and we started working on it. But we had to go backward into the return to check some things. I asked her if she wouldn’t mind walking me through from the beginning. She was cheerful and encouraging and told me not to worry…that’s what they do and to take my time, ask all the questions I needed, and said “Now, let’s get started.” She had me enter a code that let her look at my screen and we got to work.

I was on the phone with Denise for an hour and by the time we were done, I knew more about TurboTax than I ever did before and I’ve been using it for years. She followed me all the way through “review” and made sure everything worked well. She was great and I’m telling you, that was the best $50 I’ve ever spent! That’s a load off my mind and frees me up to get some other things done.

Our high was in the 80’s again yesterday and it was so nice out. I walked around the property in the afternoon to check the pollinator gardens again. It’s still too early for most of the plants to grow, but our grass is really greening up. There are a few very tiny flowers popping up, but not many.

Mr. FixIt had an appointment in town so I had the house to myself to finish the taxes and start on the spring cleaning. I love it when it’s warm enough to throw the windows open and get some ventilation in the house. I was thinking about going out to the farm for a few days. I still may. When my sweetie was in town, he stopped at the Habitat ReStore. There was a woman behind the counter who told him she knew me, she reads my blog, and even knew I’d forgotten to pay at the restaurant on Tuesday. She says she’s known me for a long time. But do you think Mr. FixIt could remember her name to tell me??? Noooooo! So…if you’re out there reading this and you’re the woman who was dressed very nice and your hair looked like you’d just stepped out of the salon, reach out here and let me know who you are! The suspense is killing me! lol


“Even the wilderness and desert will be glad in those days. The wasteland will rejoice and blossom with spring crocuses. Yes, there will be an abundance of flowers and singing and joy! The deserts will become as green as the mountains of Lebanon, as lovely as Mount Carmel or the plain of Sharon. There the Lord will display his glory, the splendor of our God.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭35‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭NLT

Gratitude Journal 
Today I am grateful for the warm sun on my face, the fresh breeze of spring, and the tiny flowers peeking up from their long winter’s nap.


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