Fire and Rain

First, let me tell you, I’m doing fine. I’m resting and trying to cut down my screen time to manage the low grade headache that comes with a mild concussion. I’ll be back to normal…whatever that is…in a jiffy. lol

It rained all night Thursday night till mid-afternoon yesterday. The temperature was in the low 50’s which was wonderful! Almost all the snow has melted away and the creeks are roaring once again. We’ll have more cold weather, of course. But, I think the worst is past us now. At least, I hope it is.

When I woke up at 5:00 yesterday morning, the fog was so thick I couldn’t even see the trees beyond the near field. There were a few moments when the wind blew the fog away leaving a mild haze only to wrap its silky webs across the landscape once again. It was dreamy and cozy and I loved looking out the window at it.

I didn’t cook beyond making sourdough French toast for breakfast and a ham sandwich for supper on the same bread. I love this new recipe and unless I want to make a boule with all the air bubbles sourdough is known for. I did a cold ferment with the dough and it had that wonderful tang of really good sourdough. And, Mr. FixIt was happy as a clam with it. We’ve used up all the Sourdough English Muffins so I’m going to have to bake some more this weekend. They make the best copycat Egg McMuffin!

Today is Mr. FixIt’s birthday! I always make him a special supper for his big day. Usually it is scallops, but a 1.5 pound bag of frozen sea scallops was nearly $30 so he elected to have shrimp. He likes his shrimp just sautéed in butter and garlic. I prefer Southern Shrimp and Grits. He likes those too, but since it’s his birthday, I will use half the bag for his favorite recipe and save the rest for my favorite sometime down the road. Marriage is all about compromise, right?

I won’t make him a cake today. I’ll save that for the birthday party on Wednesday at the bowling alley so we can share it with the kids. Do you prefer pie or cake? What is your favorite? Do you have a special treat for your birthday? I’m partial to a rich chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, myself.


“For by me your days will be multiplied, and years will be added to your life.”   ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭9‬:‭11‬ ‭ESV‬‬

***Gratitude Journal***
Today I am grateful for Mr. FixIt’s company on this ride through our Golden Years. He is so much fun and good company. He has the patience of Job and is gentle as a lamb with me, yet he is the first to stand up for me when I need it. Happy Birthday, sweetheart!

#MrFixIt, #Birthday, #Foggy


2 thoughts on “Fire and Rain

  1. Glad to hear you are recovering so well….just take it one day at a time. Happy Birthday to Mr. Fixit and hope you guys have a wonderful day together!!!!

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