It’s Friday already??? Today, it’s all about the fresh fruit. OMGosh…I can’t get enough watermelon!!! I’m eating it every day, several times a day. I’m a watermelon junkie. And grapes. And blueberries. I’ve been throwing a handful of blueberries in my salads. Add some walnuts and kale and avocado and you have a superfood-packed bowl of goodness right there!
If you’ve been following along the last couple of weeks, you know that I was struggling a bit. Yesterday I had an a-ha moment. I took a good look at my diet and realized, after being gluten free for six months, I binged on shredded wheat of all things! I had it for breakfast every day for a week and I just kept feeling sicker. I didn’t have it yesterday and I feel SO much better! The other thing that made a huge difference is where I am in my book. The last two weeks I have been rewriting the first few chapters. That deals exclusively with Mr. Virgo’s death. It was killing me to slog through that again, especially since my defenses were down from being sick. Now I’m at the point where I’m writing the fun stories and I feel like the weight of the world is off my shoulders! Last night I went to a concert to hear one of my favorite bands…SHEL. I’ve seen them three times and they are so wonderful. My older daughter was able to get away for the evening and go with me and we had a lovely evening.
I also got out for a walk yesterday. I’ve been so freaked out about exercise since I had that experience with altitude sickness. But, I’ve been here long enough now to be acclimated and walking felt great!
So, there’s my Fitness Friday message…eat lots of watermelon, start writing about fun stuff, listen to good music, and take your butt outside for a walk! You’re welcome.
“Worship the Lord your God, and his blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you,”
Exodus 23:25 NIV
Photo Credit: Unsplash