
One of the biggest challenges I have in dealing with…well, anything really…is stopping to breathe before I react. I’ve always been a reactionary. I don’t jump to conclusions nearly as much and I’m better at holding my tongue than I used to be, yet I still find myself letting my thoughts spin out of control. I get way ahead of where I’m actually standing in a vain attempt to control the outcome. This control issue stems from being the child of an alcoholic parent…where the simplest of situations can quickly go south and get out of hand. Holding yourself in the rigid stance of hyper-vigilance creates long term physical and emotional side effects. When I find my jaw is aching because I have my teeth clenched, it’s time to open up and speak my truth with someone about a subject I may be avoiding. When my breathing is shallow and my chest is tight, it’s time to breathe deep and relax…let myself break the resistance. When my muscles are bound in knots and my joints ache, I need to explore what is keeping me from moving forward. When I stop struggling, I float. It’s the law. This is exactly what happened night before last when I was in the throes of anxiety. I changed my location (I went to my camper), and I stopped to catch my breath, let go, and relax back into the current of life. That’s when I began to float and my anxiety dissipated. This is an ongoing challenge for me. But I’m learning. Let go. Let go. Let go.


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