Go Away, Mr. Snarky!


Something is fundamentally wrong with this world today. Ok…there are so many things, it’s hard to land on one…but today, it’s all about this guy I went to high school with. I love how the Lord gives me SO many opportunities to practice keeping my mouth shut. And I’m doing a whole lot better at it. God knows it isn’t easy for me sometimes.

So, back to this guy. We’ll call him Joe. Ok, that’s his name…Joe. It doesn’t matter if I identify him here…he’ll NEVER see this post. Because Joe is FAR too busy making snarky political comments on other people’s Facebook pages.

I became friends with Joe on Facebook in 2009. We were classmates all through school. He was one of the “cool kids”. He was a real cutie back in the day. I hate to admit that even in 2009, I kinda dug it if the “popular” people became my friends on Facebook. That’s sad, isn’t it? There was still some personal growth I obviously needed to work on…and Joe was my opportunity.

In nearly every case, those classmates that I really didn’t know in school have turned out to be sheer delights as friends at this stage of the game. Not Joe. Joe is opinionated, snarky, and oh so bold in his political opinions now that his candidate is in the White House. I usually don’t care. I don’t discuss politics online. I can scroll by annoying posts…I’m an adult. But when I expressed concern at the $23M price tag on the refrigeration’s units for Air Force One, I wasn’t inviting a political discourse. I was questioning how a refrigerator could cost that much. I wanted to learn.

Several people wrote genuinely kind responses, referring me to websites that explained the intricacies of such a piece of machinery. The two planes that are interchangeable to carry the President (whichever one has POTUS onboard at the time is called Air Force One) were first flown in 1987. Parts must be custom made because they are no longer being manufactured. Plans for new planes began under GW Bush but were postponed. The new planes will not be ready for service until 2023. The new planes will have more modern defenses against missiles and electromagnetic pulse attacks. And, apparently…cold snacks. (Thank you, Gina!) This was the kind of helpful, respectful answer I was looking for. Then, along came Joe.

I’ve noticed over the last couple of years, Joe is really opinionated. REALLY. As in, “I have no respect for your opinion if it doesn’t agree with mine.” He dive bombs every conversation with politically charged nastiness. He doesn’t call you names or anything. He just jumps in and stirs the pot. I know. I could have cut him off at the knees a hundred times. But, I’ve been interested in seeing just how far he would take this. The thing is, it’s never quite enough to make me pull the plug. He’s just like an annoying fly at a picnic. I figured I’d just ignore him.

The comment he made wasn’t necessarily offensive, or ugly. However…it just didn’t feel good. It wasn’t nice. It wasn’t supportive, or helpful, or kind, or even polite. I never strike back like with like. I was polite. I asked him not to come to my page and be snarky. I promised I wouldn’t go to his and do the same. It wasn’t enough for Joe. He had to swoop back in with the last word. I can tolerate political differences. I don’t have to suffer a fool.

My dad was well into his eighties when the internet gained traction. He and I never saw eye to eye about much. But I’ll never forget him saying the internet was going to be the downfall of society. We’re watching it happen. People are losing their ability to be kind to one another. They are emboldened behind screens to say things they might not say to your face. And after some time, they lose even that reservation and the ugly comes out everywhere.

I’m tired. I want nice again. I saw Tom Hanks is going to play Mr. Rogers in a movie about his life. Maybe that’s what we need…more Mr. Rogers. I miss manners. I miss kindness. I miss my country. I can work with anybody…just, for heaven’s sake, be nice. ❤️

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:31-32‬ ‭NIV‬‬


20 thoughts on “Go Away, Mr. Snarky!

  1. Well written— I have experienced that same thing from —let’s call him Joe. Never can have a meaningful dialogue when he jumps in…shuts everything down. I have cut back on my internet time in the interest of my mental health.

  2. And I have “unfriended” (online) many a snarky Joe over politics. Disagreements are acceptable, it would be scary if everyone agreed on everything – nothing would ever change! And oh how I love a good debate. But, meanies and name callers are not allowed into or onto my digital life any more as life is way too short. And as someone once told me, and it stuck, there is no room in my heart or my head for nasty, negative people. I don’t give them that space.

  3. Perfect scriptural reminder. Thank you. I have unfollowed/unfriended some for this reason. Tact was no longer part of their structure. have you found yourself staring at your computer trying to formulate a reply? I have sat for 45 minutes seething and typing….before giving up and turning it off. Thank you for your posts. They are thoughtful and heartworthy. God bless you.

  4. All I do is click on the word delete. Because its hard to bite my tongue for long.
    Thank you for sharing, there is always a snark.Those are the ones who needs to get or find a life.One to be pitied.

  5. How true. I think we all are experiencing these “Joes” in our social media lives now. I often wonder how I could have missed this side of their personalities. Unfollow, delete, hide comment and last resort, unfriend has become my go to now days. Thanks for always being a compassionate voice in my day!

  6. How true ! You really said a mouth full ! People have became so hateful and mean. The horrible thing is , children read a lot of this hate also. I deal with children everyday and what comes out of there mouths is down right poison ! Growing up, I didn’t know these words existed, let alone, putting them in sentences to use against other students, usually younger ones.

  7. Ginny I read, in a review of the Hanks movie, that a journalist met and interviewed Fred Rodgers some years ago. The journalist spent quite a bit of time with him, and came away from the meetings saying it completely changed the way he viewed life. I wonder if we could find the interview/article? Sounds like it would be worth a read.
    I’ll let you know if I can find it.

  8. I found the article–its an Esquire piece. should I leave the link here? or pm you? Goggling, there is also a 28 minute interview (different journalist) done for public tv but the audio is pretty poor.

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