Good Morning, Friends!

I’ve been a busy little bee this week! Doctors appointments seem to appear out of thin air as we age and I’m just about sick of them. I never seem to get it together and make them all in the same week. But, I guess the alternative is t so good, so I’ll keep going. Hey, it gets me out of the house, right?

We had a rainy start to the week so I headed out to the farm on Wednesday. Y’all know that’s the home of my heart. The fact that there’s fiber optic internet out there is icing on the cake. I spent two whole days working on the book and it’s coming right along. These yellow jackets were swarming like crazy. I’ve NEVER in my seventy plus years seen yellow jackets this bad anywhere! Are they bad where y’all are? The grass really needed cut out there, so I mowed Friday afternoon and while I was doing my best thinking on the tractor, I decided to pack up and head home instead of waiting for Saturday morning. Primarily because I was missing Mr. FixIt, but also because there isn’t a comfortable chair out there. For some reason, my tailbone has been hurting like crazy since the last drive cross country and I just could NOT get comfortable. I ordered a gel pillow to sit on that I’ll pick up at the Post Office tomorrow. Hopefully that will help because we are supposed to leave for the beach on Friday. (I’ve informed my sweetheart that if there is any chance a hurricane is going to hit, we are NOT going! We nearly got blown away in Kansas…I’m not riding out a hurricane in a camper!)

We had family over yesterday afternoon. Mrs. FixIt 1.0 and my bonus daughter came over for a couple of hours and we solved all the world’s problems. They brought me some sock yarn from a thrift store and I traded with some acrylic yarn that I don’t need. Win-Win! As soon as they left, I jumped on the tractor and got the two fields cut. I’ll have to finish the rest this afternoon.

I spent the evening knitting another pair of socks while Mr. FixIt watched college football. WVU won so he was a happy camper. We have a pretty full week leading up to our trip so there won’t be a lot of lollygaggin’ around the next few days. I hope you all are safe and doing well, especially our readers from the places impacted by Hurricane Helene. And now Florida is bracing for yet another storm. You all are in our prayers!


While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22

#Bees, #Climate, #Farmlife, #Family

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