She was a little towheaded tomboy but she loved a twirly dress and shiny party shoes with buckles. She loved her Hobby Hobby doll. She said mazagine and cackeltator. She “put on a show” to anyone who would stand still long enough, dragging her step stool out for a stage. She learned to be tough because we didn’t have time nor money for foolishness. She never broke a bone on my watch but boy when she did, she was steel. She flew alone from the age of four to go see her Dad across the country. I think about that now and can’t believe I let her go. It was a different world back then.
I taught her to drive a stick shift when I was nine months pregnant with her sister….and we all lived to tell the tale. I saw her through homecomings and proms and college and her wedding. She gave me two beautiful granddaughters. There were things I wish I had done better, but she has turned into the strongest woman I know. A good woman. A hard worker. A good wife and mother. The kind of woman you want for a friend because she’ll hold up the mirror and slap you and show you who you are so you can grow. She is direct and maybe sometimes a bit too blunt. I love her with the white hot heat of the sun, my sunshine girl. I am so, so proud of her.
Happy Birthday, my sweet girl!
“I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.”
Ephesians 1:16 NIV