I’ve never had just one “home”. I leave pieces of my heart wherever those I love reside. Even after living in Colorado for 40 years, “home” was always West Virginia. Yet, “home” is with my children and grandchildren and my brother and friends in Colorado, as well. When I visit my cousins in Tennessee and Pendleton County, I sleep soundly under their roof as I am “home”. It’s the same at Patti’s in California and Jamie’s in Cincinnati and Cindy’s in Troy and Greg’s in New Castle. “Home” is also with my best friend.
“Home” is wherever I park TOW-Wanda. I’ve been “home” in the wilderness of Colorado and on a bluff overlooking the Ohio River. I’ve been “home” overlooking the Atlantic in Myrtle Beach. I’m just as much at “home” in one place as I am another once I get there. I guess I learned this early on as a new military bride living overseas. I learned to make the people I love my “home”.
I yearn for a “home” that I’m afraid isn’t mine to have. An island in this vast sea of humanity. A place to rest my head that offers me the same love and security that I offer in return. I’ve had that kind of “home” with Mr. Virgo. I want that kind of “home” again…but this time I want it on my own terms. I want “home”…AND I want my freedom. I want that touchstone AND I need my own place. It’s a dichotomy. A conundrum. One that could be difficult to find….but not impossible. Maybe.
I am grateful for my many “homes”. I am grateful for the many people who welcome me in their lives and love every little bit of my quirky self. But, I don’t know if I’ll ever be completely “home” in any one place with any one person. Not right now anyway.
“By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures.”
Proverbs 24:3-4 NIV