Bob Dylan was right…”I’m younger than that now.” There have been times in my life when I was SO old. I had hung my identity on a hook by the door and became something I wasn’t. I was not being genuine. I was being a chameleon and trying to fit into a situation that wasn’t healthy. It made me old beyond my years.
About 55 years ago, I was standing by my grandma’s rocking chair…in that window to the right of the door there. I was looking out the window asking her how Jesus walked on the water. She looked at me with kindness and said I just had to believe. I was skeptical and went on a 45 year search for “the truth”. It brought me full circle to the same chair, in the same window, in the same house. I just have to believe. Once I made that decision, everything fell into place…well, sort of.
One thing I didn’t realize till Mr. Virgo died is…I’ve always made someone other than God the center of my universe. My kids, my spouse, myself, my house….my focus was off. Somewhere deep down, I could feel it but it was so foggy, I just couldn’t see it. I’ve been a Christian for 10 years now. And even then, I didn’t have my focus right. Since Mr. Virgo died, I have made Christ my Heavenly husband and my focus has been very clear. Having been in that state for the last year, I can really tell when my eyes shift 2 degrees off center. It makes me feel…dimmed, as if some of my sparkle has diminished.
The song we sang in Sunday school about letting our light shine is really true. When people see me and tell me I’m glowing, or I sparkle, or I’m getting younger, it’s not me they are seeing. It’s the light God has placed in me that I shine out on the world. When you are walking YOUR path, your true path, the one God has in mind for you, you are in tune with a much higher frequency than anything here on earth. You cannot help but glow!
There’s also something to be said for the wisdom and experience gained in 60 years to make you let go and live your life. Without that tension you carry around with you while you’re growing up. Without the worry about the day-to-day life of raising a family, developing a career, feeding the hamster. We are wise. We are wonderful. We are beautiful. We are free. We can dance and sing and travel and paint and write. If I died tomorrow…I am invincible today! Today I have everything. Right this minute I have my health. I have joy. I have family and friends who love me. I have a roof over my head and food in my fridge. I have wonderful, wonderful memories of an epic love story. But most importantly, I have Jesus in my life and I will never, ever be alone again. And, as long as I keep my focus clear, I can keep on sparkling!