Honey, if there’s anything I really hate to do, it’s paperwork like taxes and bills and balancing my checkbook and making budget cuts. But here we are, smack dab in the middle of tax season and I always have to make sure the checkbook is balanced and ready for that. The bills I don’t worry about so much because I have them on autopay. And the budget cuts? Don’t get me started. Let’s just say, we are heading into a season of belt tightening in the coming months, so I’m cutting as much out of our spending as I can. That may entail some travel cuts…we’ll see.
So…I bake. I procrastibake, to be exact. When I SHOULD be doing any number of other things. When I padded into the kitchen yesterday morning for my first cup of the day, I noticed we were getting pretty low on bread. I fed the starter Friday evening and fed it again yesterday to be sure it was strong and active. When my starter doubled in size, I mixed up my preferment and set it aside for the night. This morning I’ll get it out and mix up the dough so I can bake by evening time. This way, I’ll have freshly baked Cinnamon Rolls to take to knitting in the morning. My gals will be thrilled! Mr. FixIt will go bowling this evening. I’ll work on the taxes while the bread is rising.
Remember, the time changed as the clocks sprang forward an hour at 2:00am local time this morning. We have to change all the clocks on the appliances and Mr. Virgo’s wall clock in the living room. Everything else does it automatically. Please be extra careful with these time changes…especially the one in spring. For some reason, it messes with your circadian rhythms and there is a spike in heart attacks. That’s what happened to Mr. Virgo. The cardiologist explained it to me when he came out to tell me they’d done everything they could.
The weather is going to be beautiful this week…perfect for field camping! We’ll even be up in the 70’s by week’s end!
Come on, Spring!!!
“Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring.”” Hosea 6:3 NLT
Gratitude Journal Today I am grateful for the coming spring. We’ve made it through the long, dark winter and warmer days are ahead. I can’t wait to sit in the sunshine with my coffee in the mornings!