I met the Former Mrs. FixIt and my bonus daughter yesterday at the library for the stitching class. The rest were doing a fun beach cross stitch and I elected to work on the sampler I salvaged from my needlework shop back in 2006. The border needed to be finished perfectly to get the rest of the stitches to fit exactly right. I was off by ONE THREAD. I was worried I would have to rip a lot of the stitches out, but when I took the time and counted threads, I found the error. I only had to rip out about an inch of stitches in order to correct the error and now it’s perfect!
We went out for a late lunch together and celebrated Mother’s Day early. When I got home, I went out to pick a large bouquet of pink peonies and tucked the mum in that Mrs. FixIt 1.0 gave me. It was so nice to spend time together in an unhurried and relaxing way.
We caught some beautiful lights in the heavens Friday night. The news said more was in store last night. We’re going to go out to the cemetery when my family members rest in peace. The sky is open on top of that hill so we should get a beautiful view of the Northern Lights. I’m going to leave you with more of the photos I took last night. I hope to be back with more tomorrow.
It’s Mother’s Day…a day that is hard for many people. Those who have lost their mom find it difficult to celebrate. Those who wanted to be a mom and couldn’t feel that every year. And those who have suffered the horror of losing their children are forced to endure the endless reminders of their loss. It can be a mixed bag. Happiness and sorrow can be held in the same hand.
“Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.”
Proverbs 31:31 NIV