Into the Light

This is the time of year, even with the fluctuations in the weather…the psychotic battle between sunny/warmth and dismal/chill…I come alive. I’ve said this before and it is so true. I feel like a prisoner must feel when the jailer says, “You’re free to go. It was all a terrible misunderstanding.” I want to run headlong into the heat of a summer day putting miles between us….you know, in case they change their minds and want to lock me back up.

I know it’s all an issue of mind over matter. I mean, if it wasn’t, how on earth could people survive in the far north? I’m hoping I can get a handle on it next winter because I’m planning on being fit. Maybe that will give me impetus to get outside and play more. Keeping active does make time pass more quickly. And makes life more fun!

In the meantime, I will enjoy this lovely spring weather. The flowering trees are in full bloom. The spring flowers are in their second wave. The peepers are calling from across the fields. The neighbor mowed the field yesterday. My utility bill was a full third less. The river is calling me but the water is not quite warm enough to kayak.

Soon, love…very soon. Patience.


“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.”

Genesis 1:3-5 KJV

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