I am constantly amazed by sourdough. It is just water and flour and wild yeasts. Yeast is everywhere but when you make a sourdough starter from scratch, it takes a while to get established because the yeasty beasties it needs may not live in your kitchen yet. Now, I was actively making sourdough all the way through the covid lockdown so those little yeasties are thriving in my kitchen. I bought a fresh starter from King Arthur Baking Co. It was a really strong starter and was bakeable in about ten days.
Mr. FixIt went to town yesterday to get his tires changed then ran a few errands. He got gas for the generator to make sure it’s in good working order. We’re supposed to get snow tonight and again Sunday night so we need to have everything in place.
I made a double batch of granola yesterday. I may have baked it a bit too long, but it’ll have to do. I fed my starter to get it ready for baking Sourdough English Muffins. I’ve only made them once and I can’t find that recipe. So, while Mr. FixIt was in town, I browsed through some YouTube videos and found a recipe I want to try.
I’ll be baking today and working on the market bag I’m crocheting. I’ll have the house to myself for a little while as Mr. FixIt has to run to town for a bit. I think he’ll wait till the afternoon since we may have some snow overnight. I found a wonderful music channel on YouTube that features classical cello and that’s a wonderful way to spend a quiet afternoon…especially if there’s snow on the ground.
“Give us this day our daily bread,” Matthew 6:11 ESV