Knocked my Noggin

I was still in bed yesterday morning when Mr. FixIt asked if I wanted to go to IHOP for breakfast and then the DMV. Sounds simple, right? Ahhh…there’s no such thing as a simple trip to town when you live twenty miles away. 

I was down for pancakes so I got ready, fixed my RYZE, and headed to town for what I knew would be at least a four hour trip. I always take a list so I don’t forget things and it was going to involve several stops.

The DMV didn’t take very long, surprisingly. We went to Sam’s, Aldi, and Lowe’s and headed home. All told, we were gone exactly four hours. Our primary goal when we got back was to get the other headlight put in Mr. FixIt’s truck. It went in without a hitch and looked super! The only thing is the right turn signal light isn’t working right so we need to get a new bulb.

I was getting the flat of water out of the bed of the truck. I shut the tailgate and bent over to pick up the water. Just then, I got hit in the back of my head with what felt like a baseball bat. I saw stars! It was the tailgate that fell open and hit me. If you don’t get that thing latched just right, it will fall open. The bonk on the head didn’t hurt all that bad, but as the evening went on, I could feel the muscles in my neck and upper back getting sore like whiplash. I’m fine. I know what to look for medically, so I’m not concerned. Just another bump in the road…errrr, noggin.

I didn’t do much of anything the rest of the evening. Mr. FixIt made us some supper and we watched the news. We don’t have a lot coming up. Saturday is Mr. FixIt’s birthday. I’ll fix him a special supper that night and we’ll celebrate next Wednesday with a bowling party with the family.

The cold spell has been broken…for the time being. The highs are up in the 50’s and it actually hits 60° on Monday! I called to get a report on Gracie, the camper. The gal said she looks beautiful but it still could be three more weeks or so before she’s ready. We can’t bring her home just yet anyway because the snow hasn’t quite melted and when it does, the ground is going to be really soft so I’ll have to back her in all the way down the curved drive to her parking space. OMGosh! I’ve missed her something awful and can’t wait to camp…even if it’s on our property.

Isn’t it funny…when it get’s down to 50° we think it’s freezing. But in February, when it gets up to 50° we’re praising Jesus that it’s almost over!


“My people will abide in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭32‬:‭18‬ ‭ESV‬‬

***Gratitude Journal***
Today I am grateful for my health and my hard head. We take our health for granted and as we get older, accidents just happen more often. Mr. FixIt was quickly at my side and took good care of me all evening.

#accident, #errands, #repairs

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