Let it Rain Peace

Hopefully today is the day the fellas get started on the roof. I’m not the one in charge of that particular chore, so I don’t know all the ins and outs. My job is to keep them fed and have bandaids ready…just in case. Mr. FixIt and I have totally different ways of approaching jobs that need to be done. He puts a whole lot of time and effort into the thinking about how we’re going to do it. Not me. I decide to do something and by golly you better get out of my way because I’m starting it…NOW.

Ok, I know his way is better than mine. I always end up having to stop and do things over because I didn’t think it through. And, truth be told…Mr. FixIt knows what he’s doing so I really should just back off and leave him to his own devices. I’m better at the support staff stuff until it gets to the place where I’m the only one left to do things. So, I watch and learn and take notes because you never know when that’s going to happen.

Thank goodness we had a really lay low day yesterday. Other than Mr. FixIt putting the belt back on the mower deck and bowling for his buddy, Harry…we didn’t do a thing. Well, I cleaned the kitchen and made a nice breakfast and fed him before he left. And I worked on balancing my checkbook. And I knitted a little. I’m at that place on the sweater where I just want to get it done so I can move on and do other things. I’ve made a commitment to finish projects before I start another one. One of the hardest things to ever ask a Gemini to do.

And then there’s the time change. Ugh! I am not a fan of the world getting dark at 5:00. That being said, there’s a really pretty moon tonight and it will be full tomorrow night. We’ve had fabulous warm weather the last week. I’m “field camping” and I didn’t even have to turn the electric blanket on, which is really nice for this time of year. 

This might be a rough week for some. Let’s all remember to be good humans and good citizens. Let’s practice what our grandma’s taught us about manners…about being gracious winners and losers. Let’s get back to working for the betterment of mankind…ALL of mankind. Let’s rise up and be good and faithful servants. Let’s show our good character. Let’s ask ourselves…WWJD? Then DO that. 

Kindness matters and Lord knows….this world is ACHING for more kindness. We can do better! We MUST do better! I don’t know about you, but all this hatred and anger is breaking my heart. I long for a time with less angst. I long for peace. That’s why I seek God’s peace. It is above and beyond my understanding.

Pray for peace.

Be the change you want to see in the world. 


“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.”

2 Thessalonians 3:16 ESV

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