Letting Go of Fear

Let Go of Fear
“Let Go of Fear”

When I was writing yesterday’s post, I was feeling so overwhelmed. I have the usual stresses of everyday life…dental work that needs to be done, taxes that need to be filed, new brakes and inspection on the truck. Then there are the dead and dying…of which there are far too many. I hadn’t been sleeping well. Mr. FixIt has been busy and tired. I had that all too familiar feeling in the pit of my stomach that I was one crisis away from losing it altogether and I hate that. So I did what needed to be done…I had a good cry and went to church.

Last night was the Annual Women’s Conference at my church. There wasn’t an empty chair in the place. I don’t know if you have ever gone to an all women service before, but if you haven’t…you NEED to. Between the estrogen and Jesus, that place was electric. We have a great praise team and they didn’t disappoint. We played some get-to-know-each-other games. We had a share-your-selfie-on-social-media contest. There were prizes and cookies. Then Pastor Heather spoke about letting faith rise up in us instead of fear, worry, anxiety. She knew her audience. We are women. This is what we do.

The thing is, by allowing fear to rise up in us instead of faith, we are not letting God do His job. We are trying to do it for Him. When we are standing in the storms of life, it is not our basic instinct to lay back and relax. We start rowing the boat double time. We try to skirt around the storm. We try to ignore the storm. We try to just wait out the storm. The quietest part of a hurricane is the eye. It is windless standing in the center. When we let go and let faith rise up in us, God sets us down in the eye where we are protected from the storm’s fury. In the meantime, we get out of God’s way so He can do His work.

By the end of the evening, the atmosphere was fairly crackling. We were given symbolic coins and asked to hold them in our hands and charge them with the worries, stresses, anxieties, and fears that weigh us down and keep us from enjoying God’s Peace. As we left the conference, we threw those “coins” in a fountain in the lobby…symbolically leaving them behind. I felt so much better as I drove home. I still have all that stuff going on in my life, but now I’m reminded to let go and let God take care of His part. If I go to God FIRST, if I ask Him to take over, life just goes SO much smoother.

I was going to take a break this weekend, but I felt inspired to share this with you today and those who have been around long enough know I can’t go without writing every day. I hope you have a beautiful Saturday! ❤

“The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭118:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬


32 thoughts on “Letting Go of Fear

  1. ❤️Heart. Just heart, heart, heart. You just can’t know how much I needed to read this right now, at 3:42am. Thank you! And much love.

    1. Debra, if you have a smartphone, you can download the app for our church and watch their sermons online whenever you want. Also, they have a FB page and a podcast on iTunes. Our church is so alive with the Holy Spirit. I’ve never experienced anything like it. I feel the Holy Spirit every time I go…chill bumps, the whole thing. You can download the app on iTunes….

      The Warehouse Church by Custom Church Apps

    2. I encourage you to find a new one. But before you go start pray in earnest for your church to come alive in the Holy Spirit. Ask God if your suppose to move or are you going to be the catalyst for revival. It has to start somewhere, why not with you? Find a few other women in your church and start praying, I have seen God move in great ways when women pray!

  2. ❤Let Go & Let God ❤ I attend a women’s retreat the end of this month. Look forward to it evety year! Come away refreshed!

  3. I’m going through something right now and yes, I am double, no triple rowing! I have had to always take care of everything and have a very hard time asking for help.
    But I know who can and I need to stop rowing and let Him.
    Thank you, I needed to hear this.❤️

    1. Love your post . This has been a rough week . Trying to take care of husband ,who had knee replacement surgery March 5,2018 . My very loved Boxer ( dog ) passed away in his sleep ,Wednesday night ! I think I need a shirt that says : More Jesus & More Estrogen . Have a great week-end

  4. Oh Ginny! I needed to hear this today! God has a way of sending us messages and you’re his Angel that brought it to me.
    Serenity prayer works and so does Let Go Let God. If I would just do that!!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. Do I need this today???!!! Yes! I do. Thank you Ginny. It’s going to make my Saturday a good day to just be. To let go and let God.

  6. Really needed this today. I am letting my worries recently of bills, dentist, doctor tests , possibly moving this summer, etc. carry me away. Need to let go- let God.

  7. Thank you Ginny. I’m getting ready for retirement. Rather scary as I have been working since age 14. Now at 66, I cannot imagine NOT having a job. Letting go and letting God is just what I am doing. He has taken care of me this long, I know He will continue to hold me up. I’m grateful for your daily words. Just perfect for me today. ♥️

  8. What a wonderful experience! I need to attend a women’s conference again! In the eye of the storm He remains in control❤️

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