Lifting Others Up

Wowza…it snowed another three inches or so yesterday. I’m thinking Mr. FixIt got a touch of frostbite on Friday when he fed the birds in his mesh tennis shoes. (I know…he heard about it.) I didn’t want him to go out and get cold again so I ran the snowblower. That little battery-powered gizmo is pretty handy. The snow was a little heavier than the dry snow we’ve been getting so it wasn’t quite as easy to clear. But I made short work of it. Miss Pumpkin always sleeps in the big 30×40 building in a cat kennel with an electric cat bed to keep her toasty warm. She also has a heated dish so her water never freezes. I always stuff a towel under the door to keep out the drafts. And yesterday I took out an old quilt and covered the big wire kennel that the cat kennel is in. I may even put another quilt between the cat box and the kennel for added insulation. She is the most pampered feral kitty in the ‘hood.

We watched football all day and I heated up the leftover broccoli cheese soup for supper. We were cozy and warm and safe in our home. They canceled bowling last night so I was really glad Mr. FixIt didn’t have to drive to town on those slick roads. Even though the salt tuck goes up and down the road in front of our house, that is still a treacherous two-lane blacktop with lots of twists and turns and hills between here and town.

Our low last night was predicted to be 6° and tonight’s will be 3°. Tomorrow’s however is predicted to be -5°!!! Yikes! There is a young man in Parkersburg who has made it his life’s work to lift people up, help them get off the streets and stop using drugs. His name is Moon King and when he puts a request out on social media for supplies, the community comes out in droves to get him just what he needs. He’s an amazing young man. He busks with his guitar to raise money to help his fellow man. I’m in awe of his selflessness. Most young men his age are too busy chasing corporate dreams to give up everything for his community. God bless him and the others who make such sacrifices.

Today is Martin Luther King Day where we celebrate and honor a man who fought for equality. Having a heart for service is a lofty goal. The Lord loves a cheerful giver. We can’t all be Martin Luther King or even Moon King, but there are small ways we can contribute to “the least of these” that Jesus talked about. How do you help others? Do you volunteer in person, or do you contribute monetarily? Do you collect food or clothing or blankets for the less fortunate. Does your church have a soup kitchen or a local ministry that you assist with? 

May we always look out for others…no matter who they are.


“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”   James‬ ‭1‬:‭27‬ ‭ESV‬‬

***Gratitude Journal***

Today I am grateful that even in dark and cold times, there are angels unawares among us who seek to help and lift up others selflessly.

#gratitude, #MLK, #service, #volunteering

2 thoughts on “Lifting Others Up

  1. Love this post…I firmly believe that scripture tells us we are to help others. Marin Luther King is one of my heroes , and bravo to Moon King. We just never know what might be even a “ small “ act of kindness to us can potentially mean to someone, especially to someone who is in a “ struggle valley .”

    Thankful for the angels that the LORD sends .

    (I often wonder when I leave this world will maybe, just maybe, I will learn just how many times I have encountered angels unaware and what they have done for me at the loving direction of God.)

    Stay safe … we are expecting extreme bitter temps also until Thursday . Hoping for no frozen pipes and, more importantly, hoping and praying that all will have shelter during these life threatening temps.

    “ Nite Nite” as my family always said before going to sleep!

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