Loving the Water

When my mom was a young girl, she saved her baby sister from drowning while she herself did not know how to swim. Instead of taking it upon herself to learn how and avoid such situations in the future, she made darn sure she was never in or near the water again. She also made sure we stayed away from it, too. Thus, I spent the majority of my life scared to death of water.

I did venture into the pool a little bit when I was a teenager. But my fear of water kept me from doing so many things I later learned to enjoy. I have only learned enough to be able to (more than likely) save myself from drowning. I’ve kayaked on the Ohio River and in a reservoir. And I’ve been on pleasure boats and sternwheelers. I’m much more comfortable in and around water than I used to be. Which comes in handy when you have a pool in your back yard.

After my difficult day on Thursday, I needed a bit of a break yesterday. I slept in late. I fixed our favorite breakfast. Then Mrs. FixIt 1.0 came over in the afternoon for a visit. She needed a piece of plywood and Mr. FixIt fetched one for her from the “hardware store” we call the building out back. We made sure she brought her suit so we could swim. We spent a couple of hours out there till the sun was beating down on our heads and we called it quits.

I fixed us a nice lunch and we just had such a lovely time. I really enjoy her company. She brought me a birthday present, too! All kinds of different doo-dahs for knitting that will come in handy when mowing season is over. Many people are surprised that the former wife and the current wife are friends. It doesn’t work for all women, but I think it’s healthier and better for everyone involved…especially the kids. Even though they are grown, it makes life so much easier for them when they don’t feel split loyalties.

I’m enjoying this Ninja Creami. I’m experimenting with different recipes and ingredients. I had a chocolate ice cream last night that was very good, but I made it with coconut cream instead of dairy and there was so much fat in it, it coated the roof of my mouth and I don’t like that. It’s a work in progress and I’m bound to come up with the perfect combination for a creamy non-dairy ice cream. 

Today is supposed be the last day of the heat wave that has gripped most of the country for the last week. The heat advisory is due to expire at 8:00 this evening and we may have storms tomorrow. That will cool things off a bit. And by a bit, I mean the high 80’s instead of the high 90’s. My friend Sharon’s funeral service will be held tomorrow afternoon. 

Life is so precious and fragile and it goes by way too fast. Be sure to tell people you love them…early and often. We never know when it will be the last time and a missed opportunity weighs heavily on your mind.


“In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”

Psalm 4:8 ESV

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