Making the Most of Time

We had a lovely day, keeping cool and swimming in the pool. We grilled steaks and corn-on-the-cob and were just truly lazy. A day spent doing nothing is not necessarily a day wasted. We enjoyed each other’s company. I worked on my laptop all afternoon, trying to get a handle on the 65,000+ e-mails I’ve ignored for far too long. I’ve made a commitment that if I am sitting in the Big Red Chair with Mr. FixIt, I’ll work on this unless I’m writing. 

We need to buckle down and get things packed for the trip. My list is long and time is short. I don’t think we can take a whole day off before we leave Thursday. We have all the arrangements made for the house sitter and the lawn mower. Pumpkin Kitty will be well cared for. 

We have the funeral today and I’ve gotten a late start on this post. So I’m going to leave this here and I’ll be back tomorrow. Stay cool, my friends.


“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”

Matthew 25:13 ESV

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