I decided today was the perfect day to rent a U-Haul truck and bring everything from my storage unit back to the house. I met with my realtor today. Haven’t heard from Saturday’s showing yet, but the realtor I thought was showing it yesterday showed up this morning. I was prepared but needed to pick up my reading material and put my coffee cup in the dishwasher. I met the couple and shared SE of my sparkle with them. They were very nice, spent a half hour in the house after I left and then came back to look at it again an hour later! Good sign!
So, I emptied the storage unit, cleaned it out for my deposit, and now have stopped for a bite to eat on my way home. I would choose a really HOT sunny day to do this. AND wear my new white shorts and uncomfortable shoes. But hey, now I just have to empty it into the garage , return the truck, and then I can start sorting through it all AGAIN so I can keep just the items that cannot be replaced. Wow ! This has been a TON of work, but it is so worth it in the end because my life (if not my BUTT) will be so much leaner!!! <3