Missed a Day

One of the first things I do every day is check in here to see how everyone is doing. I write my posts every evening and schedule them to go live every morning at 4:00. Imagine my surprise when I check in and find I hadn’t written a post the night before. It doesn’t happen too often, but when it does, I toss around the debate…take the time to write one in the morning, or consider it a well deserved day off. I almost always choose the latter. I figure it gives me an extra twelve hours or so to come up with something interesting to talk about.

We had Mr. FixIt’s birthday party Wednesday night at the bowling alley. We took cupcakes and pizza over to Mrs. FixIt 1.0 and visited with her a little bit. She couldn’t come to the party and we wanted to be sure to include her. It had started raining around 8:00 and the temperature plummeted from 61° to 31° in the two hours we were bowling and when we came out, there was ice hanging from all the power lines and trees. It looked like diamonds twinkling in the street lights, but driving in an ice storm is anything but beautiful. We came home on our little twisty-turny two-lane blacktop going about 30mph. We never slid but there were lots of accidents that night. A head on collision on the Ohio side of the river claimed the lives of two women that night, so I was extra careful.

We got home safe and sound and watched the late news. Right around the time we were heading to bed, our power went out. Not a bad thing unless you are counting on that electric blanket to keep you warm. I did fine. I even had my window open. But poor Mr. FixIt had to get up and go into the family room and turn up the gas stove. The cold gives him cramps in his legs. The power finally came on a little after noon. It’s funny how flipping on a light is an automatic reflex…even when you absolutely know the electricity is out.

We had company in the afternoon. My bonus daughter and her husband came over to show us their new-to-them car. They got a really good deal on it and it was really super clean. They were so proud of it.

Other than that, we didn’t do a darned thing yesterday. I was considering going out to the farm for a few days, but it’s not as easy to go out there when the weather is dicey. There already isn’t running water. Then if the electric goes out, there’s no internet. There already isn’t TV which is one of the main reasons I like to go out there…to get a break from the noise. When I go out, I have to take my food and water, my knitting, my computer and lap desk, my cuddle blankets, clothes and toiletries, too. It’s quite the ordeal. I don’t like leaving a lot of stuff out there since we no longer own the place. So I cart it all out there and back. It just seems harder to do when it’s cold. 

Spring will be here again before we know it. Mr. FixIt was remarking how there was still light in the sky going on 7:00 in the evening so the days are already getting noticeably longer. Think I’ll bake more bread today. I forgot to double my recipe on Wednesday and I only made one loaf. We had French toast for breakfast and sandwiches for supper and that used up quite a bit of that loaf.

I finally cleaned up my “nest” around the Big Red Chair! Trying to decide what project to work on next. Do you all see one project through to completion before you start the next? Or, are you like me and have several going at once? I’m incorrigible!


“The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.”   Nahum‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ ‭ESV‬‬

***Gratitude Journal***  
Today I am grateful for electricity and all the utilities we take for granted.

#electricity, #poweroutage, #icestorm

2 thoughts on “Missed a Day

  1. I am currently knitting a toque (that’s Canadian for hat 😊). Reading a book, recalibrating my Cricut Machine…making cards, and have a pair of socks half knit that Instarted two years ago……so no, don’t always finish before starting something new

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