This lion was trapped this week after killing an 80 pound goat a couple of miles from here. It weighed 130 pounds.
A few years ago, Mr. Virgo was out on the front porch at 3:30 in the morning having coffee before work. He heard a noise in front of the porch and stood up slowly only to see a mountain lion on the front lawn! He backed into the house and always turned the light on after that.
In February of this year, I was out shoveling snow every couple of hours to stay ahead of the storm. My last pass was about 30 minutes before Mr. Virgo pulled into the driveway. When I went out to greet him, there was about half an inch of snow covering where I had shoveled with fresh BIG mountain lion tracks at the step to my front door. Yikes…that is way too close for my taste! Maybe it was this big guy, maybe not. But trust me, I keep my eyes open whenever I’m out by myself around here.
There is snow in the high country tonight. It rained here all day and I love hunkering down in the house on days like that. However, I am not ready for snow. I still need to get the garage cleared of some stuff to make enough room for the Ford. There is no reason to scrape snow and ice off a vehicle just because there’s too much junk in the garage. I kept thinking I’d get it done before now but the lure of the road called to me like a Siren’s song! It was a great summer.
Happy Fall and…Have a happy Monday!