My Birdies Have Me Trained

I awoke before Mr. FixIt and went into the kitchen to make my tea. As I walked into the family room with my steamy mug of my “not coffee”, I heard a racket over by the window. There was a Tufted Titmouse pitching a fit as soon as I walked into the room. It would go into the clear plexiglas feed and peck around for a little bit, then it started pecking the window and squawking like crazy. It fluttered around, grabbing on the window frame then flit back over to the top of the feeder. 

I walked over closer to the window. In the past, this was enough to scare the birds off and they wouldn’t come back till I moved away from the glass. Not this little birdie! This one kept looking straight at me and pitching a fit! I took out my phone and took a video to show Mr. FixIt because I was sure he wouldn’t believe me. Finally I figured out the bird must be hungry. The bird feeder was looking pretty close to empty and apparently this little dude (or dudette) wasn’t having that!

I put my tea down and went to the building to fill the window feeder. Once I got the feed drawer back in the feeder, I walked inside to see what would happen. That little titmouse was in the feeder in second and ate and ate and ate! After about five minutes, the little bird took off to do its little birdie things and I had my answer. 

I’ve been trained by a bird to fill up its feeder on demand!


I did a few things yesterday. I’m trying to back up my photos from my iPhone onto an external hard drive. I wasn’t very successful and haven’t figured out why yet and eventually gave up for the time being. I knitted some on the next little Christmas Stocking. Then I decided to made a Hummingbird Cake, since the theme of the day was hunger and birds.

A Hummingbird Cake is a southern staple. It gets its name because it is “SO sweet, it could attract a hummingbird.” I don’t know the accuracy of that statement, but I will tell you it’s the sweetest cake I’ve ever made. We don’t need decadent sweets in the house on a daily basis. So, today I’m going to cut it up in slices and wrap them individually for the freezer. That way we can take a slice out from time to time when we want a little snack and not overeat sweets.

I’ve finally started sleeping better. I’ve been really frustrated this year. I’ve never been a terrific sleeper and a long time ago, I took Trazodone as a sleep aid. Trazodone is an old school antidepressant with a welcome side effect of drowsiness and it isn’t addictive. I’ve tried several over the counter remedies like Benadryl and Melatonin and Magnesium. I’ve tried meditation and 432hz sound therapy. I know what good sleep hygiene is and I routinely practice things like turning off the screens an hour before bed and cutting out caffeine. I’ve tried the Military Sleep Method. Some things work a little bit for a short time but nothing has really fixed the problem.

When I saw my primary care provider this week, I told her my memory was slipping. After many questions, I off handedly mentioned my sleep issues and she zeroed in on that. Sleep deprivation can affect your memory and your mood. Once she found out I’d tried all the non-medication routes, she asked if I’d ever taken anything prescription for it and I told her about my experience with Trazodone. So, we’re trying it again and if Friday night is any indication, we just might be onto something here. I slept like a stone by Friday!

I hope you are enjoying your weekend. I’d say I’m enjoying mine, but every day is a Saturday for us so it doesn’t seem to make much difference. 

Sunday Blessings, dear ones…



““Work six days, but the seventh day will be a holy rest day, God’s holy rest day…..”

Exodus 35:2-3 MSG

2 thoughts on “My Birdies Have Me Trained

  1. Love it! Based on my birds and squirrels, I definitely would have believed you, even without videos. We were away for a couple of days and I was half afraid they would be outside the back door with little picket signs when we arrived home. They definitely deserve some reward for all of the entertainment and enjoyment they provide. ❤️

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