I really look forward to our stitching group on Monday Mornings, although…if it were my choice, we’d meet at a more civilized time than 9:00AM on a Monday Morning. But, beggars can’t be chooser and this forces me to get up and do something productive. I’ve been crocheting lately…making baskets for the girls for Christmas gifts.
I took some Sourdough Cinnamon Rolls with me for snacks yesterday and they were a big hit. I was going to take homemade pop tarts this week, but since I baked all day yesterday and cleaned the kitchen forty-two times, I decided I’ll take them next week. I kind of stumbled upon them by accident and now, I can’t wait to make more. I’ve decided I can make one sweet treat a week. We don’t need to be eating all that sugar.
The weather was a little cooler yesterday with some rain during the night. I’m still going to tough it out in the camper even though last night was predicted to get down to 31° last night. At first I wasn’t feeling the joy that I normally feel, but now that I’ve been out here a few times, and we’ve booked our first camping trip of the year…I’m getting excited again.
I need to make a trip to Colorado every year to see the kids and my brother, and we really enjoy pulling the camper out there and spending a month. But that’s getting too pricey. And, my old truck is the only thing we can reliably tow the camper with and I have 163,000+ miles on it. That trip to Colorado and back is really hard on it and right now, we don’t have the money to replace it. So I’m having to come up with an alternative. In order to make it more affordable this year, we’ve decided I’ll go out by myself.
I’ve never taken the train that far before. I took it from Colorado to California a couple of times. The first without a sleeper, and the second with an economy sleeper which was perfectly adequate. However…sleepers are incredibly expensive so I’m ruling that out. I could rent a car but I’d still have to drive out there and I don’t drive more than 400 or so miles a day. It would take me a few days each way. That brings up the subject of lodging. If I have to stay in hotels, it becomes cost prohibitive again.
I haven’t flown since before the Covid lockdown for a number of reasons. Once the quarantine was lifted, passengers were becoming increasingly unruly. Then prices continued to rise and now planes are falling out of the air. I know intellectually that flying is probably the safest form of transportation, but I will really have to give myself some huge pep talks to get on a plane. I think that’s the most logical solution, though. I can get there fast and not be so exhausted when I arrive. I’ll have to rely on my peeps to give me lots of encouragement and prayers, though. I’ve turned into a bit of a weenie in my old age! lol
I’ve got four months to psyche myself up for the adventure! In the meantime, spring is breaking out all over! Our forsythia are starting to bloom and the flowering quince has nice fat buds on them. The iris had shot up six or eight inches. There are daffodils all along the road into town and I’ve seen lots of crocus. Mrs. FixIt 1.0 had beautiful crocus and jonquils along the edge of her house, but she told me yesterday the frost nipped them. I’m glad I got some pictures the other day when they were at their peak.
So, it’s only Tuesday and I need a margarita but since I don’t drink…I ate a cinnamon roll. That’ll do!
“The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtledoves fills the air.” Song of Songs 2:12 NLT
***Gratitude Journal***
Today I am grateful our little great grandson wasn’t hurt too bad on Sunday. He had a little altercation with a tiny dirt bike and cracked a bone in his wrist. Three weeks in a cast and he’ll be good as new! My husband’s family is mine too and I’m so thankful to add them to my brood.
You are so special! You lift my spirits with every read of your posts!
Fly! It really isn’t that bad. I fly to AZ by myself several times a year to see the grands. DIA has made several changes and the thousands flying each day move more smoothly through security now. Your difficulty will come with the time zone changes; making a much longer flight. I flew this time on a Sunday (way less crowded) leaving on a Wednesday, hope it goes as well. Good luck, book now for deals.