O Christmas Tree

Christmas Tree

Last Christmas, Mr. FixIt and I had just been dating a few weeks and December found us traveling in opposite directions. He went to Florida with his buddy and a few days later, I went to Colorado for a month with my kids. That’s the longest we’ve been apart since our first date and we neither one liked it. That’s when I figured things were pretty serious between us.

Right around Christmas, I was talking to him on the phone, lamenting that I didn’t get to put up a tree and have a Country Christmas at the farm. When I pulled in the driveway upon my return, I stopped in my tracks. While I was gone, this sweet man had decorated the farmhouse for me to come home to. Not only that, but he was standing there in his grey wool trousers, black dress shoes, a white shirt, and a red sweater vest. He looked so sharp and my heart nearly exploded! What a sweet and generous thing for him to do. He also bought me an indoor lighted Christmas tree, but we didn’t put it up because it was almost New Year’s when I got back from my trip. So, this is the first year we have a tree together.

Someone mentioned they wanted to see a picture and someone else wanted to know about the mechanical angel, so I decided to post a video for you this morning. I still have ornaments to put on but didn’t get home till late last night so I’ll decorate more today.

I went to the funeral yesterday. As it turns out, Sis wasn’t just my grandma’s friend and neighbor. We were related…through marriage. I’ve told you before, you can’t throw a stick up this holler without hitting someone I’m related to. I got to see several cousins and met Sis’s son. He’s been my Facebook friend for ages. It’s such a small, small world.

I am so relieved that I can attend a funeral service now without wigging out. My friend’s son was killed in an accident a year or so ago. Another friend took one look at me during the visitation and said, “Let’s go.” She got me out in the air and my heart started beating again. You certainly don’t LIKE going to funerals, but you have to be able to express condolences without flipping out and it took me a while to get there. For the longest time, I seriously felt like I was just one crisis away from losing it altogether. That “one crisis theory” hung over my head like Damocles’ sword which increased my anxiety exponentially. Full blown grief is about as close to flat out crazy as you can get. I didn’t know if “I” would ever come back. Thank God I did. I couldn’t live like that forever.

My sweetie is gone for his annual Florida guy’s trip so I’m spending the week catching up with “back burner” things…stuff I put off because it’s much more fun to go play with my bestest buddy. I need to be pretty productive this week! ❤️

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭9:6‬ ‭NIV‬‬


10 thoughts on “O Christmas Tree

  1. I LOVE the mechanical angel! Wherever did you find it? I would love to have one. Your tree is beautiful. Please post a picture after you have it decorated.

  2. Ginny, what a beautiful tree. Sharing the last year with Mr. Fixit has given you a different outlook and perspective in this chapter of your life and that is the way it should be..each chapter we learn more, grow more and if we are lucky, love more. Grief, health issues, accidents, and just everyday life events can take so much energy but you are now able to keep a balance and that is the true blessing, but I know it is also takes a lot of hard work and thought. I wish I could say I’ve found my Mr. Fixit (or that he has found me) but for right now that isn’t the case so I’m content with the chapter I’m in.

  3. I first heard you on Girl Camper podcast. I remember when I heard your husband died while looking at trailers, I gasped/ screamed. While I lost my husband almost 18 years ago, it still hurts. Listening to your travel and camping stories after your husband passed, was inspiring. Love to you and Mr. Fixit. Sounds like the most awesome guy ever! And, this decorated tree story confirms it. What a doll!

  4. Your statement, “Full blown grief is about as close to flat out crazy as you can get” is so true. I didn’t even know who I was anymore. Through God’s grace alone am I here to tell about it.

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