Peek-a-Boo Spring!

The dance of spring can be wild. Multiple seasons appear in rapid succession within just a few hours. Afternoons can bring violent storms and high winds…thunder and lightning…tornadoes…hail…heavy rain….and beautiful sunshine. We’re trying to wrap up things here at home before we make our annual trek to the beach. I wasn’t sure if we would have a window dry enough to mow at the farm with all this rain we’ve been getting, but yesterday we found our opportunity.

We haven’t messed with the older tractor in the barn this spring, and since time is a precious commodity this week, we just packed up our riding mower on the trailer and off we went. It was pretty windy and we both found ourselves praying that God would keep the trees standing on the hillsides on either side of the area we mow. We thanked him profusely when we were finished and not even a branch had fallen.

The lawn out at the farm is so small we can finish in not much more than half an hour. And, just as we were wrapping it up, it started to sprinkle. Perfect timing! We loaded up the trailer and headed on home. Mr. FixIt spent the better part of the afternoon cleaning out the truck and starting to pack for the trip. I went in and worked on the taxes. I was waiting for a 1099 that I found out yesterday, I don’t need. So, taxes are delayed again. 

I really don’t like waiting till the last minute to do this stuff. It just seemed to sneak up on me this year for some reason. Everything went really smooth except for one little hiccup. I needed to download something and couldn’t for the life of me get it to work. Enter…Debby from TurboTax Customer Care. She walked me through the process and it worked fine…till I tried to submit the tax returns via e-File. I imagine about half the country was trying to do the same thing at the same time and I got a popup that said there was transmission difficulties, to close the program and come back in an hour to check the status. I am sure, at some point it will go through. 

So, everything is mowed, the laundry is just about finished, the taxes are all but complete, and all we need to do is throw a few things in a suitcase and we’re outta here! Even though we have a house sitter, Miss Pumpkin is going to the Kitty Hilton to visit with her little kitty friends. It always works out to coincide with her yearly checkup so she’ll get all that done while she is relaxing at the “spa”.



“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”

Proverbs 13:20 ESV

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