Pennies from Heaven

Women at the salon
“Finally had a chance to visit with my friend, Michelle.”

I’ve been writing a daily essay here for over six-and-a-half years now. I’ve heard from numerous people about odd things that have happened since their loved one died. Things that make them feel comforted…like they’re being watched over. Signs from Heaven. With me, it’s bluebirds and angel pennies.

You’ve all heard of “pennies from heaven”. Folk lore says found coins come from angels throwing them in our path to remind us they were here. Something happened yesterday that was downright eerie…but in a wonderful way.

I met my friend Michelle at the nail salon yesterday. We met years ago when I was a new widow and she was one of my fellow women campers who helped me find myself. We met at the salon because that was the one place we could absolutely stop and sit still for two hours. We both live very busy lives.

During the course of our conversation, Michelle told me they were expecting her sweet grandfather to pass at anytime. As a matter of fact, she felt yesterday was his last day here on earth. We covered every topic under the sun and got caught up with what has been going on in each other’s lives. 

When she was getting her manicure, I realized the polish on my toes wasn’t drying very fast so I excused myself to the other side of the room to place my feet under the lights. Finally, she came over to me to hug me goodbye. She had a call to make at noon and had to run. When I sat down at the table where the lights were, I placed my phone and water bottle on the counter. I didn’t notice the penny there till Michelle hugged me.

I picked up the penny and showed it to her.

“Look, I think this is for you! Maybe it’s your grandpa sending you a message.”

I placed the penny in Michelle’s hand. She looked at her phone and said, “Hmmm, it’s 11:44. I’ll remember this if I hear of his passing.” With that, we said hugged and she went out the door.

Twenty minutes later she texted me.

“My grandfather passed away twenty minutes ago.”

Coincidence? If so, it was uncanny. Who knows? I told her she needed to keep that penny in a special place. I keep all my angel pennies in a depression on the dashboard of my truck. I found two more right outside my truck at the next stop. I tucked them away with the others and whispered a “Thank You” to whoever dropped the pennies for us.


“And I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.” “Blessed indeed,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!””    Revelation 14:13 ESV

4 thoughts on “Pennies from Heaven

  1. Dad’s sends me pennies, Mom dimes. Just thinking of Dad on his porch last week and there was a penny in the corner! Starting a “coins from heaven” bank soon – adding up! So special!

  2. When I rode my bike cross country, nearly every day I would happen to look down and there would be a penny on the ground. Those were my angel pennies keeping watch over me.

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