Prayer Works

I finally had some quiet time here at the house with Mr. FixIt at bowling. First, I tore my closet apart looking for those things. Then I decided to go to the source. I put on some soft meditation music, closed my eyes, and asked the Holy Spirit to help me find my lost hard drives. I sat quietly, breathing deeply, clearing my mind.

I kid you not, I opened my eyes and walked right to them! And here’s the kicker…they were on the desk in the office! I have looked in the office countless times. I’ve even moved this bag to the side…more than once. I simply could not see them. I immediate said a prayer of thanksgiving. I was so excited.

I picked up the biggest hard drive, plugged it into my laptop, opened the tax program, and voila! The program found our 2023 tax return and populated the 2024 forms in 30 seconds. Now all I have to do is plug in the numbers and we’re off to the races! This is how God works in our lives. He loves for us to come to him with all our problems, no matter the size or importance. He’s so, so good to us!

Other than cleaning up my mess from tearing the bedroom apart, I really didn’t accomplish much more than that. I enjoyed watching some how-to videos on YouTube. I FaceTimed with the girls, texted with Big and Little, and called my brother. I missed a call from my sister-in-law but we’ll talk today sometime. Sunday evening is when I catch up with family. I always called my mom on Sunday evenings. This is such a nice way to carry on that tradition.

It’s been pretty cold again here. I actually might get to sleep in the camper on Wednesday night for the first time this year! I love sleeping out there. I can hear the night sounds all around and feel the breeze. It’s the closest I will get to sleeping outside under the stars. I tried to sleep outside once, but there was a constant breeze and I could not settle down. Well, that and the fact that it was in my backyard in the Rockies and there’s coyotes, mountain lions, and bears out there! I know this because I slept in Little TOW-Wanda in front of my house the first summer after Mr. Virgo died. I woke up to a low growl, peeked out the window, and there was a mountain lion right below me. I quietly closed the window and went back to sleep. I know a bear can break into a camper, but at least I’d have some metal between me and the beasties!

Today is knitting group and I’m looking forward to that. I found a couple little cross stitch kits I saved from my shop. I think I’ll start one. And, I can’t tell you how relieved I am to have these hard drives back. One less thing, right? Hope you had a nice weekend!


“these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭2‬:‭10‬-‭11‬ ‭NIV‬‬

***Gratitude Journal***   Today I am grateful for the quiet time I spend with God, seeking guidance and listening for the Holy Spirit. Even in the little things.

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