I spent the night in town at my cousin’s house and I have internet access so I thought I’d leave a line or two. We are in the midst of a polar vortex and it is unseasonably cool here which is perfect for me. Today there are a couple of class picnics I’m going to and I’m really looking forward to them. Unfortunately, it is raining but there are shelters so we should be good. Since Facebook, so many of my classmates have reconnected and it makes my heart sing!
We went out for dinner last night and ran into two of my classmates and it was so special. These two will be out of town this weekend so I was really blessed to get to see them. Mel and Linda…it was great to see you.
I graduated with my cousin, Mike…the one I am visiting. He’s from my dad’s side of the family. While we always thought a lot of each other, in the 41 years I’ve been away from home, we have seen each other maybe 3 or 4 times. I just wasn’t close with my dad’s family. I have to tell you, this has been a great loss. I have missed out on years of fun with Mike and his lovely wife, Regina. I am really, really enjoying my time with them and hope we get the opportunity for many more visits!
We went out for real WV hot dogs last night. If you don’t know, they serve their dogs with “sauce” here. It’s similar to spaghetti sauce or sloppy joes except you can taste a little touch of vinegar. Yummmmm! I take mine with sauce, mustard and onions.
Regina’s brother-in-law joined us last night. He lost his wife around the same time I lost Mr. Virgo. It was good to compare notes as to where we are in the grief process. There were many similarities. My focus is more on Regina losing her sister who was her best friend. I’m looking forward to spending more time with her and becoming good friends.
I am at a point with the book where I’m either going to have to edit the dickens out of it or split it into two books. Like my lifelong friend, Sharon, says…I am long winded I’m afraid. I mean, at this point, I’m well over 500 pages. Soon, they will be using my book as a door stop or an anchor! lol
Have a fabulous weekend, my lovelies!!! I miss you and just couldn’t resist connecting a little bit. š