Meme. Rise Up! Woman's lips.

I try not to touch the third rail. Politics is a touchy subject in polite society and can create a firestorm, as I’m sure you have all witnessed in your Facebook feed this last year. A simple statement, an expressed opinion…even an innocent “share” can bring on a backlash the likes of which you may never have witnessed before. Much of that is because it’s easier to hide behind a keyboard and say things that more than likely would never be said with direct eye contact.

I’m not going to take sides. I’m not going to pass judgement. I’m not asking who you supported in the election nor am I going to share who I voted for. But I WILL share who I support and that’s us…We the People. No matter which side of the fence you are on…no matter your beliefs…no matter your color, identity, faith, ancestry….I’m pulling for you to live a safe, fulfilling, happy life. Whether you are happy or sad today, there is a changing of the guard and we have a civic duty to be watchful of our leaders and our representatives. We have to express our opinions. It is our right.

I don’t know about you, but I was pretty self-involved the last four years. Mr. Virgo died less than two months after the last inauguration and I largely let others do my caring for me in that department. If I’m brutally honest, I have always shied away from politics because I’m not a fan of conflict. But…I’m awake now. I’m watching. It would be easier…much more comfortable…to stick my head in the sand. There are others who cannot speak for themselves. The Bible tells us to stand up for them.

A young man was invited to speak at Ebenezer Church in Atlanta this week. At the tender age of 15, this young man spoke eloquently about protecting the least of us. Royce Mann recited his poem “Rise Up” and was met with resounding applause. We can’t afford to be complacent. We cannot stick our head in the sand and hope others will do the work for us. It’s time…it’s past time…to rise up and speak up. For yourselves. For those whose voices are not heard. For those who have no voice. ❤️

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭31:8-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

11 thoughts on “RISE UP!

  1. I read something the other day that really resonated. Wanting Trump to fail as president is like wanting the pilot of the plane we are all on to fail.

    1. I saw that too, Carol. I surely don’t want him to fail but I’ll be watching every move the government makes from now on. As we ALL should, no matter WHO we hire for the temp job of President. ❤️

  2. I certainly want him (and “his” Congress) to fail at much of what they already attempting to do to undermine our personal safety, health, and Environment. I make no bones about wanting them to fail in those efforts. Thanks for all you do, Jinny.

    1. I understand the desire for policies to “fail” when they are not what you support. That is why it is so important to be vocal about our desires. It is our civic duty to be involved in the decision making…no matter which side of the fence you stand on. After all, our governmental officials are our employees. We are the bosses who “hire” them for this temp job.

  3. With the same ex ray eyes and political spine I’ve had since high school ..using the necessary voice to air displeasure with Obama..I’ll do the same with Trump when need be. I am relieved yet cautious at the moment. The least of these include the silent screams of the unborn….

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