Springtime in West Virginia

I heard spring peepers Tuesday night! Ok, it may be FAUX Spring….but what a delicious reprieve from the worst winter we’ve experienced here in a long, long time. Yesterday was a beautiful day. The temperature soared up to a balmy 81°!!!!! Oh, my….I sat out in the sun in mid-afternoon and it was so hot, I couldn’t stay out too long. Now I’m going to have to acclimate to warm weather…but that sure isn’t a problem for me!

As you know, yesterday marked twelve years since I lost Mr. Virgo. And it’s funny…this year hit me a little harder. I don’t exactly know why. But that’s the nature of grief, isn’t it? It’s been a very long time since I’ve cried  over him. My friend Gail is watching one of her dear friends slowly die of cancer and today was rough for her too. She sent me a link for a song. When I fixed my second cup of coffee, I took it out on the deck, turned on the song, and the tears began to flow.

I talked with Mr. FixIt Tuesday night about it. I reminded him what was coming up and I told him I didn’t understand why this time was hurting me. He held me and told me everyone grieves in their own way and sometimes it’s just harder than others. He makes room in our life for Mr. Virgo. I tell him funny stories and sometimes he even brings him up. Like one time, we were behind Mrs. FixIt 1.0’s house and her property drops off into a wide ravine. Mr. FixIt stood at the edge and looked down to see a buck with a huge rack and he said he immediately felt like Mr. Virgo was standing there with him. He smiled and said out loud, “Thanks for bringing the buck, buddy.” 

I’ve been married four times. Some people would be embarrassed by that, but not me. I’ve married four really great men in my life. They’ve helped make me who I am and I love them all to this day. Two of my other former husbands have had life threatening health issues that could have killed them. One has died and Mr. FixIt has had two small strokes. You’d think men would stay FAR away from me, wouldn’t you?

By the end of the day, I was back on an even keel and ready to conquer the next thing. Today is bread baking day…I sure hope it’s better this time!


“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭3‬ ‭NLT‬‬

***Gratitude Journal***   
Today I am grateful for the memories I have and that God saw fit to grace me with a wonderful man to ride into the sunset with. I think in many ways, He saved the best for last.

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