Expanding on yesterday’s eloquent sermon. I was raised with that tired old adage…”Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Have you ever heard a more outrageous lie? Why on earth would we teach children that words can’t hurt them? To “toughen them up”? How tough can you get when your dad says you look like a hooker? How strong can you get when your coach calls you a sissy boy? How far can you go when your teacher calls you stupid or someone tells you that you won’t amount to anything. Words crush the spirit. CRUSH…as in totally.
One of the most hideous effects of being verbally abused is becoming a verbal abuser yourself. In the deepest throes of my depression when I was on so many medications I couldn’t make sense of the world around me, I said the most horrid thing to my youngest child at the dinner table. I still remember every word that came out of my mouth. And I clearly remember the slump of her little shoulders as she crumpled under the “blows” of my words. Try as I might, I could never fix that. I could never take it back. I have begged for forgiveness. She has graciously forgiven me. But, nothing is ever quite the same after something like that.
The average human has between 50,000 and 75,000 thoughts per day. Per DAY! How many of those thoughts are lies whispered into your life? How many of those lies do you take to heart? It’s easy to see how you can believe the things people who are supposed to love you say to you, even when they are wrong, hurtful, and outright abusive. And what about all those other lies you tell yourself? “I’m not good enough.” “I’m ugly.” “I’ll never get away from my addictions.” These are all lies whispered into your life by the dark energies of evil. The image of the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other is very real. Turn your thoughts back to the Light and stop believing the lies. If you are in a relationship that is in any way abusive, get help. Get out. You are a child of God and you are loved. ❤️
“The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
Proverbs 12:18 NIV
Exactly why I had to leave. I really had no idea how much it affected me until I left and felt like a huge burden had been lifted from my shoulders. Although I don’t miss my ex I still grieve for the loss of my home, marriage and the ability to jump into a RV and travel anywhere. Being alone is difficult at times but always better than being emotionally abused. The positive is that It has made me more aware of what I say to others. Thanks, Your posts are always thoughtful
What wise and true words today, my friend ❤️
Love your blog! I must now follow you as I am hooked! ❤️
Thanks, Katherine! I had a peek at yours as well. Sorry about that back thing! And, don’t you just LOvebeing a trophy wife? I was Mr. Virgo’s trophy wife…even though I was only 3 years younger! Thanks for your kind words and for being here!!! ❤️