Still Snowing!!!

Just a quick check in. I ran to town and got my cap cemented back on my front tooth so I’m back in business. It didn’t start snowing till a couple of hours after I got home. We were eating a late lunch when a young man knocked on the door. His car had slid off the road into our yard and he wanted to know if we could help him. Mr. FixIt got the tow strap and pulled him back up on the road into our but not before he schooled the young man a little. This is a very, very narrow road and there’s a blind curve out by the end of the near field. People seem to think it’s ok to just pull into our yard to let the oncoming car pass instead of backing up a little bit to a wider spot in the road. If there’s any snow, they’re just sucked right off the road. It happens at least once every winter and sometimes it damages the field carving deep ruts that are difficult to mow over. The young man was most appreciative and apologized profusely. He was a nice kid.

The snow is still coming down and we’re supposed to get another 2-4”. That’s fine. This is big stuff here. It’s any Friday in Colorado from October to May!

Today will be another hygge home day. Hope you’re staying cozy this weekend.

Please continue to pray for the people of California. We were watching the news last night and I heard of a man who refused to leave his son who has cerebral palsy and is immobile. That broke me and just cried. My brother has cerebral palsy and if he was stuck and couldn’t get out, I’d totally stay by his side and hold him into Heaven.


#california #californiafires #dentist #snow

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