Along with the time change comes the bursting forth of life from a sleeping earth. Trees are flowering, crocus and daffodils are creating carpets of soft color here and there, and with that comes the trademark thunderstorms of the Mid-Ohio Valley. The crash of thunder rolls and reverberates up and down the water, echoing off the banks on the far side. It fills me up with memories of growing up six blocks from the Ohio River.
I’ve been walking and biking for exercise and the last three walks have taken me up the hill right past my childhood home. I played in the woods on that hill when I was growing up. My first bike was a heavy monstrosity, single speed, coaster brakes. I never could ride all the way to the top of that hill without stopping. Not even standing up on the pedals. My first attempt to walk it last week was so sad. I couldn’t get to the top without stopping to catch my breath. The second time, I didn’t have to stop but I couldn’t carry on a conversation. Yesterday, I got all the way to the top and talked the whole way. Progress! My trainer is out of town and I’m on the road for a week so I have to keep this pace up on my own. I plan on hiking in the state park and I’ll have my bike with me so I’m hoping to get some riding in as well. Next week…kayaking!!!!
Again, I’m not sure of the reception and Wi-Fi capabilities where I’m going. It’s right in the middle of the mountains so don’t worry if you don’t hear from me for a bit. I haven’t taken much in the way of a break for awhile so maybe this is an excellent opportunity to step into nature and some girlfriend time. Till then…Thank you for being here!
“The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.”
Psalm 65:8 NIV