Ta Da! I’m Finally Finished!

The pattern is called “Disappearing Pinwheel” and the quilting pattern is called “Baptist Fan.”

After sleeping on it, I finally figured out which way was up on the quilt so I sewed the label on it yesterday morning and I was done! Then I couldn’t stop looking at it and taking pictures of it. I finally took it outside and hung it across the clothes line on the front porch. I’m kinda proud of myself that I started AND finished a project! It only took eight months!!!

I was thrilled to see the scale go down again yesterday morning. I’m now down 10 pounds since April 26th! Yay!!! Eating is feeling more like joy and less like deprivation. I get more food than I can get down most days.

I mowed the yard in the mid afternoon and I was really glad we have the use of an old John Deere tractor here at the farm. It was mighty hot but the job went quickly. I walked around a lot yesterday and took pictures. I went on walks up and down the road and identified trees and weeds and wildflowers. I saw a new bird but it was fleeting so I’m not sure what it was. It was beautiful.

I was sitting on the porch taking pictures of the quilt in an old chair when something caught my eye. The Broadhead Skink that visited Wednesday was back again. Then later I felt something on my leg and found this American Dog Tick scurrying along my leg! Yikes! I did a couple loads of laundry…some of my clothes and I stripped the bed and washed the blankets. Things get really musty here. I’ll turn the dehumidifiers on before I leave. We had that brief rain shower on Tuesday, but it wasn’t enough to soak in. The ground is actually cracking.

I worked a little on the shop late yesterday afternoon, but decided to put it away and pick it up again this morning when I’m fresh. I haven’t had time to devote to it and I actually forgot how to do a couple of things. But it’s like riding a bike…it came back to me pretty quickly. I’ll work till midday then I’ll head home to my sweetheart. I miss him when I’m away for too long!

So, that’s a wrap for May. Welcome, June! My Birthday MONTH!!!


“A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart.”

Proverbs 21:2 NIV


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